July 4th, USA: Home of the Brave, or Land of Cowards Overrun by Tyrants? Let’s Make it Personal: Are You too Rich or too Poor to Care?

Money, Lots of Dirty Money! Can We the People Resurrect Independence with a High Creed? Yes, Can YOU Identify How WE ALL Contribute to Tyranny? Are YOU Willing to Examine YOUR INVESTMENTS?

US Military Proudly Serves US Citizens, NOT Tyrants Looting US Markets “Global🌐Dave Happy Fourth: High Creed Blue Angel Tribute.” YouTube, 3 July 2024, youtu.be/hQb6W8TPdAE. Accessed 4 July 2024.

Problem Source: US and International corporations sitting on trillions in cash reserves, a rising billionaire nobility and increasing government corruption. Extremely rich people accumulate the benefits of conducting business protected by the rights of US Citizens, but clearly, We the People did not invest 247 years of labor, dreams and innovation for the sake of returning to the corruption of tyranny. We built wealth on the Public Trust that our leaders uphold US Constitutional Law. What we have received instead is the brazen disregard of Law. I have a response, its damn good, so hold on… please read through…

We the People are choosing not to buy into the fear from the internationally owned billionaire hyped media, or the colluding corporations sitting on trillions USD in cash reserves, used to leverage control over free markets. Rather, We the People are taking note of emerging traitors: Brazen commercial, governance and academic leaders who erroneously believe we don’t see their cowardly decisions.

Dave Campbell, Author 28th Amendment Draft

Decisions, Decisions… 6 Cowards Purchased by Billionaires vs 3 US Supreme Court Justices Fighting for Liberty and Justice?

Stein, Perry. “Justice Sotomayor Dissent: “the President Is Now a King above the Law.”” Washington Post, 1 July 2024, www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/07/01/sotomayor-jackson-trump-immunity-dissent/. Accessed 1 July 2024.  Photo Credit Jahi Chikwendiu The Washington Post

US International Corporations Despising the Regulatory Fairness of the US Constitutional Laws, Prefer Financial Terrorism as a Business Model and Persist to Reestablish Tyranny

Historic Supreme Court Decision June 1, 2024, the United States Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 to grant immunity to US Presidents for official acts. One dissenting Justice (pictured above) asked the most obvious question; if immunity meant taking out a political rival be allowable as an official act. With unflinching resolve as though a paid for agenda had been all but sealed, a dark decision sent from the Billionaire Tyrants to frighten the American Public: three days prior to celebrating 247 years of Independence, 6 US Supreme Court Justices gave the nod to US Presidents to assassinate political rivals.

Carte Blanche Power for Executive Officers is CLEARLY NOT a We the People Decision, so How do We the People Respond? Dave Campbell, a POTUS 47 Strategist and Hopeful Next US President has Authored a 28th Amendment Draft: We move We the People from Honorable Mention in the Preamble, to the 1st Position in US Government as Follows:

The 28th Amendment – Working Draft

A Fourth Branch of Government, The Authoritative Branch, We The People, is to be established as the first branch of government, preceding the executive branch and completing a four part model of governance that calls for the identification of consenting governed citizens to include all citizens of the United States Of America, not excluding those citizens of the United States serving in the executive, legislative or judicial branches. 

Four Branches Of United States Government – Conceptual Model For Self-Governed Citizens

  1. Authoritative Branch We The People
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Legislative Branch
  4. Judicial Branch


To strike permanent, clear and immutable understanding that the identity of the United States citizen is a consenting governed identity consisting of four branches of government whereby the hallmark of our freedom from tyranny centers on the self evidence that all people are created equal, and the freedoms we enjoy are not to be diminished by oppressive abusers of the rule of law.

No citizen of the United States of America shall be considered inferior to any other citizen regardless of any demographic or implied positional authority.  Thus reaffirming the rights and privileges afforded the US Citizen are not undermined by the wealth or resources of any citizen over another. 

Situation: Urgent

Kleptocracy is presently undermining the authority of We The People, the consenting governed, and poses the number one threat to the United States Of America by nature of domestic enemies operating in positions of leadership most notably in governance, commerce and academia.

David Campbell, Author 28th Amendment Draft

How to Summarize Tyrants Looting the US Taxpayers in Two Opposing Paragraphs:

Tyrant Looters vs US Taxpaying Citizens

Tyrants – Looting GDP – Systemic Network of Corrupted Leaders – Financial Terrorism to Create and Control Closed Loop Business – Tax Exemptions – Subsidy Dependence – Icons Trained to Steer Public Sentiment – Regulatory Systems Financial, Banking and Investment Mixed with Criminal Enterprise – Immunity and Zero Accountability for Crimes. Fueled by Inside Information and Closed Loop, Billionaire Nobility Emerges to Produce More Lobby Favoring Shareholder Value (False) Economy.

Taxpayers – Pay into GDP & Public Trust but don’t Receive Promised Support – Academic Best Practice Management that grows Value Chain replaced by Thugs who Loot then Part the Value Chains – Increased Taxation due to Non Regenerative Criminal Business Displacing Free Market Regenerative Revenues – Increased Loss of Personal Income due to Lack of Commercial Growth – Also begin to become Subsidy Dependent – Reacting to Icon Sentiment fall into Hack or Side Hustles, Unwitting Laundry Schemes. Poverty, Crime and Homelessness Result as Government Workers Invest in Closed Loop Corporations that further Steers Investment away from meeting the Free market Needs of We the People’s (True) Economy.

How to Solve our National Crisis NOW? Who has the Answers and the Strategy to Convince Corrupt Commercial, Governance and Academic Leaders that Crime Cannot Hold a Candle to the Prosperity Awaiting in Serving the Currently Dreadfully Undeserved Global Free Markets?

Do Both the GOP and DNC Suffer from Strong Lobby Influence to Break the Law? Here’s 5 Easy Questions to Help Identify the Source and Scope of Corruption within the GOP and DNC:

Do Independent Candidates Also Support Partnering with Closed Loop Shareholder Value, Media Hyped Investments that Subsidize “Helpful” Corporations and Further Destroy Free Markets? Can you Hear a Ring of Truth or Another Subverted Subsidies Pitch that Shifts Investments Away from We the People and Into the Pockets of a Growing Billionaire Nobility? Where is the Investment Strategy?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “RFK Jr.: Blockchain Is the Future.” YouTube, 23 June 2024, youtu.be/EmGyGEyDOPc?si=g9LonJfodeS_2H2U. Accessed 4 July 2024.

I am an Independent Presidential Hopeful Championing Public Trust by Facilitating We the People to Develop Free Markets, NOT Rely on HYPE and the Tragic Outcomes of Digital Systems Fraud Already Prevalent and Looting the Authentic Gross Domestic Product We the People have Earned the Right to Oversee. I’m Proposing Ethics and Transparently through a Massive Worker to Owner Project Management Program Based in Time Tested, Truthful and Honest and KNOWN Resources, NOT HYPED Subsidies Driven Closed Loop Markets like AI and EV that Make Billionaires More Wealthy. What Evidence do you have that Supports your Candidates Decisions? I offer all my Blogs and Videos as Your Evidence of My Contributions, So Please Spread the Word:

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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