Election Day Nov 8 2022: Welcome to the Grand Collusion? Where Have all the Crimefighters Gone? USA Shareholder Value Economy = Damage; Gross Domestic Product = Public Trust; Ask Electable Candidates How they Plan To Build Public Trust and GDP, Or Rather, Ask Me and I’ll Run for US President in 2024

Crimefighter: The Honorable United States Senator Carl Levin, Democrat, Michigan, Deceased Grand Collusion Doesn’t Add Up; Let’s Do The Math: Mob Leadership + Government Contracting + SOX Act + IT Shareholder Value Economy + Domestic Terrorism = Diminishing GDP and Public Trust Senator Carl Levin did not know he would meet a Navy Recruiter with …

NOV 8th 2022 DO NOT VOTE FOR WRITE IN Dave Campbell; Misreads Election Instructions For Michigan Governor Bid

Never heard of me? Well, that’s worse than having a name as common as Joe Smith. Get to know me and if you have a heart for the USA, spend time on this website and you will see what you missed for Governor, and why you should get behind me now for US Presidential race …