Q: Leveraging Aquarian Identity to Create Massive Global Market Opportunity? A: Hell Yes!

Human Identity Encompasses All 8 Billion People on the Planet. Humanity having Suffered much Bloodshed at Our Own Hands Despite our base of Knowledge, it is Apparent that Humanity has Failed to bring the Promise of Peace on Earth. Tyranny and Terror Investing is the Preferred Business model in the USA. Once the Beacon of Freedom to the World, USA has Taken on the Identity of the Imperialist Nation we won our Freedom from 246 Years Ago. With little hope Remaining for a Global Rescue, Along comes Age of Aquarius. So, the Greatest Shared Identifier Available with which to Leverage a Global Movement? Easy: the One Heaven has Provided and All People are well aware of; Aquarian Identity. Highly Anticipated and Unfathomably Profitable, the Aquarius Age Awaits our Design/Build

Self identified Digital Tyrants attempt to resuscitate a subsidy hyped Holy War Economy with not so secret intelligence like textbook School Shooting operations; all the proud “Mastermind” of Mob Owned Corporations like Arcanum Global…

Suddenly: Aquarius!

A Consenting Governed Citizen with a telling birth chart and the palm prints of a Simian is constructing the next Global Economy: Peaceful, far more profitable and ethical… oh and a bank called Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust* to go along with.

YouTube’s Knowledge Leader, Dave Campbell of Michigan, Projects the Aquarian Identity on the World

POTUS 47 Strategy* is capable of restoring Public Trust and revitalizing Gross Domestic Product. With his 28th Amendment* and a Vision and Mission Challenge* yet to be matched, Dave is (I am and We are) also founding a University with a Global Aquarian Movement* to assert the Consenting Governed Authority of We the People.

The Salvator Mundi

Salvator Mundi Image Retrieved March 8, 2024 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

Human Dignity Exemplified in Gross Domestic Product is the Single Most Powerful Motivation for Society second only to Quenching Ones Thirst

Desired only by the wise and quickly forgotten by criminals; Managing the Gross Domestic Product established by Public Trust is a Golden Opportunity honorable leaders aspire toward. Yet historically, many leaders blunder as the rewards of Public Trust are coveted, then cleverly stolen and finally personalized as private ownership through fraudulent means.

POTUS 47 Strategy* and 28th Amendment*

The Three Predominant Precedents of Leadership in US Society are the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government. Yet, Because Imperialism Remains Rooted in the Psyche of Leadership Hierarchy, a Door of Greed Remains Open in the Current Model. How?

The goal of Public Trust when obtained establishes the free market and develops the national wealth for the primary benefit of meeting public demand. For the elites of early US society to retain the benefit of control, a Fourth Branch, the CONSENTING GOVERNED was purposefully omitted from the current three Branches. Yet, as the Authority of the People is clearly the Highest Creed in the US Constitution as evidenced by its rapid power to create and maintain Public Trust, the Authoritative Branch, We the People, must now be elevated to the first Branch of Government.

Moving the Highest Creed of Consenting Governance, We the People, to the Global Stage

We the People is the Highest Creed of any free society, and so we are going to pass the 28th Amendment to make tyranny completely unprofitable by establishing the appropriate levels of Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability in perfect balance. As the four legs of any table that remains flat and capable of serving the people, so are the four branches of government capable of establishing appropriate balance and maintaining the separation of powers.

To Ignite the Desire for Freedom from Tyranny, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Markets and Liberty and Justice for the Whole World, I am issuing a Global Leadership Challenge

Global Leadership Vision and Mission Challenge*

YouTube. (2024, February 8). GlobalDave🌐leaderchallenge. YouTube. https://youtube.com/shorts/CCuHlwBj3nw?si=b_LnrJj2Cd9IynLx

Global Aquarian Movement*


Humanity itself is the source of all language, law, Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product. Although the common sense that yields common reference is rejected by grand colluding leaders; 8 billion human beings are buying into Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Digital Numeric Fixation – The Overnight Billionaire’s Gamble

Yikes! Imagine the humiliation of those US Commercial, Governance and Academic leaders for having taken the bait by enemy oligarchs and thugs, only to find it was an increasingly valueless readout that lead them ultimately to prison.

246 Years after Defeating a Tyrant, the USA remains In a TROUBLING era of Tyranny Holdouts

Many elected officials, formerly respected commercial and academic leaders apparently pine for stolen art, luxury yachts and juvenile sex slaves having traded in the honor of Civic Leadership for increasingly valueless digital readouts, supported by grand collusion and hyped investment.


What Can You Do Now? Right Now, Share the Information You Just Took In

Pass along my videos, my Press Release below and get on the phone and stir up a friend you know that would like to know about Dave Campbell and Help US Get these Projects Going!



DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023 https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRCFmf25UZbsJqI8mN5C5FkcOiejDpCk5l1obcB4-bZCbIWBAgXQf9CRVld42iu7FPoJ4LbjkToLGkH/pub

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust*

2 thoughts on “Q: Leveraging Aquarian Identity to Create Massive Global Market Opportunity? A: Hell Yes!

  1. What you are saying makes sense! It is an honorable start! A lot of thought has gone into your writing! Turning your writing into reality seems to be a gigantic challenge.

    1. Thank you, Ned! Well, yes, a big challenge broken into small steps becomes manageable reality. Our first step is awareness. Did you find anything compelling enough to pass on to your friends or family? Would you recommend me to speak at a University or feel comfortable with my leadership as US Presidential candidate or Governor over a State? Have you taken a look at any of my project offerings? Thanks again and I look forward to your response. – Dave

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