I’m David Campbell from Michigan, and I am Available for Interview as US President or Vice President Candidate

The Most Difficult Problem Facing the Country is Not Mentioned by any Presidential Campaign: Two Economies Operate from a Single Tax Base and Gross Domestic Product 1. Tyrant Economy: Closed Loop Loots Free Market then Illegally Holds Trillions in Cash Reserves 2. We the People Economy: Regulated Free Market Funding both Economies and Operating at …

DAVE’24: Unite in Public Trust & We the People Don’t Divide into War

Public Trust built the Wealth of the United States of America, not Investing in Tech. In 2024, Looting the Economy as a Preferred Investment Model Cannot Continue; Why Not Let’s Do This Instead? Rebuild the Public Trust. How? A $15 Trillion USD Worker to Owner Program. Check it: On the Waterfront: Will You Please Help …

July 4th, USA: Home of the Brave, or Land of Cowards Overrun by Tyrants? Let’s Make it Personal: Are You too Rich or too Poor to Care?

Money, Lots of Dirty Money! Can We the People Resurrect Independence with a High Creed? Yes, Can YOU Identify How WE ALL Contribute to Tyranny? Are YOU Willing to Examine YOUR INVESTMENTS? Problem Source: US and International corporations sitting on trillions in cash reserves, a rising billionaire nobility and increasing government corruption. Extremely rich people …