Michigan Governor Write-In Candidate Strategy? Crime Fighter / Blue Collar Presidential Candidate? Dave Campbell Light US Up 2022 / 2024 Elections

Write In Governor Strategy To Defeat Putin/Trump & Safeguard US Elections To preserve our freedom in Michigan, Putin/Trump must be defeated in our 2022 and 2024 elections. Presently, Putin/Trump loyalists are working to declare victory with legal wrangling and ongoing claims Trump won, even though Trump has admitted to officials that he did in fact …

CASH Initiative Introduces The MacArthur Park Musical Theme Parks Project Concept

To Celebrate Music, To Create Music, To Enjoy Music, To Get The People Of The United States of America Up and Dancing How To Plant Seeds For The Musical Theme Parks Ears please, you are listening to the first draft, a global introduction of MacArthur Park Musical Theme Parks. The concept has been top of …

Introducing The CASH Initiative Global Four Tier Accounting Project

Community Action Secures Homeland (CASH) Initiative – Takes Down Kleptocracy (Grand Collusion) And Restores Economic Security Through Ethical Accounting, Finance and Investment Identifying Financial Terrorism & Domestic Terrorists Buffalo’s recent mass killing, was it racism or domestic terrorism? Public officials Immediately declaring the shooting was a racist hate crime plays directly into the textbook strategy …