Dave Campbell Has National Security in Mind & Michigan’s Cash in Hand for Earning Electability 2022 & 2024

Michigan: USA’s Next Trillion Dollar GDP? Write In Hopeful Dave Campbell Says Likely Grand Collusion & Billionaire Shareholder Value Economy is Devaluing Both US Dollar & Public Trust As the J-6 investigations continue, the world is witnessing the detrimental outcomes of domestic financial terrorism. The first step in diagnosing a collapsing economy is to identify …

Are You Electable in 2022 & 2024? America’s Consenting Governed Ask Five Tough Questions

Q 1. What Is Your Stand Against Kleptocracy (International and Domestic Grand Collusion) A: If You Don’t Call Out Kleptocracy, You Are Likely NOT ELECTABLE and Probably on the Take To gain the respect of voters, you must be loyal to the consenting governed. You cannot disregard your oath for criminal acts. Prosecuting grand colluders …