Part 5. …Story Tellers: Blood, Sweat, Final Frontiers and So Glad You’re Here. Let’s Keep Talking

Enduring Life’s Toughest Storms, Clara Barton and Dolly Parton Turned Each Stripe Into Rainbows I teared up several times writing part 5. The smokey whistle of the Dollywood Express and the clatter of train wheels rolling on rails reminds me of telling stories to my daughters. A photo of Clara Barton on their bedroom wall …

The Annual Worldwide Horse Race: A CASH Initiative Project Concept By David Campbell

The Longest Endurance Race In The History Of The World – Starts Here The race will begin taking shape here on this blog. Experienced and/or passionate planners, riders and veterinarians can lend nay sayings and preferably constructive thoughts to help me design and build this race. Project developing an annual race will promote our fitness …

Part 4. …Story Tellers: Halley’s Comet vs The Pet Goat

Challenger’s Teacher In Space; a Genuine Captain Marvel Destroyed by a Multiverse of Group Think Company HALT. Out of the corner of my eye? The space shuttle lift off! Right, FACE. 73 seconds later a nations pride turned to horror as Challenger exploded. Shock and awe gripped us as our heroes plunged from 46,000 feet. …

Part 3. …Story Tellers

It Is Said, Your DNA: It is Written In Stardust How You Gonna Act? As Above So Below From ancient times, leaders have leveraged command of some resource to maintain iconic status. No different now in our media-crazed lives. Plus an audience, only for moments, deliver transcendent flight into heaven with Captain Marvel and captivate …