DAVE’24: Unite in Public Trust & We the People Don’t Divide into War

Public Trust built the Wealth of the United States of America, not Investing in Tech. In 2024, Looting the Economy as a Preferred Investment Model Cannot Continue; Why Not Let’s Do This Instead? Rebuild the Public Trust. How? A $15 Trillion USD Worker to Owner Program. Check it:

On the Waterfront: Will You Please Help Me get to the Front Lines?

We the People Must Now Follow Marlon Brando’s On the Waterfront Performance Campbell, David. “🇺🇸DAVE’24 “Stand up and Walk.”” Www.youtube.com, 7 June 2024, youtube.com/shorts/G1PHmPtk-ZI?si=sNw1bfahKfX-A1VK. Accessed 7 July 2024.

Stop the Looting, Reinvest in We the People

Glad you’re here. If this is your first visit to my blogs, thanks for taking a look. I believe you will share my links because I’m the only US Presidential Candidate Hopeful that actually has a strategy to address the economy right now.

  1. Stop the Looting. Organized Criminal Leaders of Commerce, Governance and Academia have devised a perpetuating systems fraud that rewards management to continually find new ways to loot the diminishing Gross Domestic Product and distract We the People from identifying the problems.
  2. Repair our Corrupted Systems. By championing the 28th Amendment Draft into Law, the agency of We the People acting in unity as Consenting Governed Authority becomes the USA’s Rally Cry for rebuilding Public Trust. My Blogs identify both Looting and the Sources of the looting AND suggest ethical and peaceful means of repairing our current system and so my POTUS 47 platform is based on a massive program.

Projects, Projects and More Projects: You Work on the Project, You Own the Project

The US Economy needs investment. To generate investment, markets that are currently under-served represent the answer to our economic woes. Why? The American Dream that’s WHY. We the People have been detached by Tyrants from our primary joy, that is, making a living in the USA by building Public Trust. As a Free and Just society We the People, not shareholder value, is our business model and we are eager to get back to working in an ethical not a criminal environment.

Open Invitation to Dialogue with Dave ’24

Access my blogs to find projects that are available for review and ready for respective awareness campaigns. Please leave comments. Please spread the word. I’m all about helping to facilitate a massive project development program and have plenty of excellent projects that will bolster the economy and help leaders save face.

Identify the Problem of Shareholder Value and Stop Supporting the Source of Corruption

Subsidy Dependent Corporations loot the Gross Domestic Product GDP. These are shareholder value driven, closed loop and are a contagion to the Free Markets of the world.

From Shareholder Value to SOX Act / ITIL to Billionaire Tech Giants and Online Markets Corrupting the World, the Tyrants argue “The World Has Changed” and yet, Tyrants Remain the Marauders and Thieves as they Always Have Been: Ill Gotten Gains Still Comes from Looting the Taxpayers

As shareholder investment becomes the preferred source over the historical service to free market needs of tax payers, the general public has followed suit. The pride of becoming a billionaire has usurped the spirit of America that once thrived on the joy of building the public trust through supporting our neighbors, building a value chain and so supporting a vibrant and ethical government regulated commerce.

As the Gross Domestic Product Continues to Dry Up… It’s All Suddenly Golf Carts and Pickle Ball

We the People proved that loving the neighbor as the self was possible to do with our independence from Tyranny while retaining an interdependent national model but now fail to see that source of money is drying up with every fraudulent so called shareholder value quarterly increase or decline. Why? It’s based in fraud and theft that’s why!

Who Benefits from the losses Created by Ukraine and Gaza? Death Count? Nah, Let’s Play Pickle Ball!

Too proud to admit mistake, to intent on Pickle Ball schedules, grown adults highly educated and experienced have passed onto their children the desire to become retired or billionaires and nothing else matters. Does anyone else out there see the problem here? Or is it just me? Good God! Does anyone want to become a small business owner? If so, check out my projects.

David Campbell “Global🌐Dave Happy Fourth: High Creed Blue Angel Tribute.” YouTube, 3 July 2024, youtu.be/hQb6W8TPdAE. Accessed 4 July 2024.

“No Regrets Lifestyles” E-Trade and Fantasy Football Pools overtake Puritan Work Ethics and Small Business Start Up. “Works for Me”

Aspiring Silicon Valley Tyrants saw the accumulated wealth in American Value Chains as Jack Welch did and Built an “Exchange Privacy for Convenience” View and It Worked. Targeting the foolish, actually hard working Americans looking for an honest come comeuppance, CRM Surveillance Data Schema supported by War on Terror as a personal wealth generator may seem to many a Pickle Ball-er to have temporarily proven successful.

“I’m All Good” ?

In reality, the free market economy, all but dried up, remains a main resource of the criminal looting resulting in a wealth gap that has grown to unconscionable. The lack of investment in free market has created a world wide economic crisis. Financial instruments and IT management have replaced ethical best practices and this toxic cocktail is imposing on America to rethink our identity as brave and free.

Once Ethical Moving Quickly to Shady and Worse…

As those hard working Americans ethically reached for millionaire status, many commercial and government mid to senior managers may have unwittingly been slipping into a no win retirement situation, while other criminally apt managers simply jettisoned ethics under the increased pressure of criminal ownership to enjoy the privileges they are entitled to, content to believe there is no link between their happiness and to the deaths of children who mine cobalt for pennies a day.

Tired, Lazy and Indifferent, yet Earned? Absolutely! Its America, but We are in a Situation Here

It may seem to some of us that the result of higher education as an honor, a right and privilege of protecting free market system under oath instead became an entitlement for lazy and greedy adulthood; Americans preferring the easy money of pushing a button on a mobile device and hoping to have chosen the right stocks over the pride of developing best business practices. No worries, except, we are leaving behind a mess, where our parents delivered to us an opportunity.

Epic Fail or Hope for Resurrection?

Ignoring the fallout of increased domestic terrorism and rising poverty, our Educated Senior Citizen Demographic in large part, appears to be an epic fail as far as a genuinely American Spirit demographic. The investments or unwillingness to raise suspicions as to how some investments make them rich so fast, seem to have exploited the weak to gain privileges far beyond a normal middle class lifestyle.

A Spiritual Identity Crisis and a National Identity Crisis Solved. Yes, I Solved it, at least on Paper so Far!

I need your help. Just read for now, comment please, but read and share what you read. You may not want to believe my concepts and projects can right our United States, but I do fully believe. If you want to help me, by all means, contact me. To remain transparent is important to me, so I cannot be accused of being in anyone’s pocket. Leave your comments and thoughts on my blogs and I will be refreshed to hear from you and will respond. Dig around, I have a Spinning Engine to Build, Musical Theme Parks and National Marksmanship projects just to name a few.

Recommended Reading by David Campbell:

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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