YouTube’s Dave Campbell Knowledge Leader POTUS #47 Strategy Adds We the People Authoritative 4th Branch with 28th Constitutional Amendment+$15 Trillion CASH Initiative Projects

Dave’s Worker to Owner Strategy: Leverages Consenting Governed Authority, Common Law and a Massive Design Build Projects Program through his Community Action Secures Homeland or CASH Initiative would RESTORE USA’s Constitutionally Protected GDP Economy and STOP the Billionaire Systemic Fraud by EXPOSING ITIL/SOX Act; a Shareholder Value Criminal Business Model Economy

The 28th Amendment – Working Draft

A Fourth Branch of Government, The Authoritative Branch, We The People, is to be established as the first branch of government, preceding the executive branch and completing a four part model of governance that calls for the identification of consenting governed citizens to include all citizens of the United States Of America, not excluding those citizens of the United States serving in the executive, legislative or judicial branches. 

Four Branches Of United States Government – Conceptual Model For Self-Governed Citizens

  1. Authoritative Branch We The People
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Legislative Branch
  4. Judicial Branch


To strike permanent, clear and immutable understanding that the identity of the United States citizen is a consenting governed identity consisting of four branches of government whereby the hallmark of our freedom from tyranny centers on the self evidence that all people are created equal, and the freedoms we enjoy are not to be diminished by oppressive abusers of the rule of law.

No citizen of the United States of America shall be considered inferior to any other citizen regardless of any demographic or implied positional authority.  Thus reaffirming the rights and privileges afforded the US Citizen are not undermined by the wealth or resources of any citizen over another. 

And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land: And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof, shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for the city behind it.

Joshua Chapter 8 verses 1 and 2, King James Bible

Actor John David Washington in The Creator: a Modern Day Retelling of an Old Story: Humanity vs AI

Ivan-zadeh, Larushka. “It’s Ai Armageddon – and in This Breathtaking Sci-Fi Thriller the Only Way to Save Humans Is by Destroying an Adorable Robot Child: Larushka Ivan-Zadeh Reviews the Creator.” Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 29 Sept. 2023, Image Retrieved October 28, 2023

Global Citizens Not Aware Digital Tyrants are Using Same Old Terrorist Strategy to Control Markets

Coincidentally or perhaps prophetically, a powerfully advanced city named Ai is destroyed in the Bible by Joshua. The antithesis of free market ethical business models, AI technology icons brilliantly exploit and hype a closed loop business model promulgated by corporate tyrants and automated by SOX Act / ITIL systems fraud.

AI vs Aquarius or AI accelerating Aquarius or Both?

“Ai in the Bible?? What the Age of Aquarius Means for Humanity.” YouTube, MetaPuppet, 21 Mar. 2023, Retrieved October 27, 2023

Incomplete Narratives Help Perpetuate AI Investment Fraud, Bolstering Inflation and Wealth Gap

While Meta Puppet’s video offers a decidedly insightful projection for humanity to grasp the relationship between technology and society entering the Age of Aquarius, like other popular narratives, this narrative seems to favor the unfortunately hyped aspects of AI.

Artificial Intelligence is Incapable of Meeting the Requirement of Public Trust as Public Trust Relies Upon Common References that are Dependable for Developing Common Law and Processes

Artificial Intelligence has a future for limited application where decision points are also limited due to safety and trustworthiness. For example, AI can help detect dangerous conditions in logistics for unmanned space travel, but this perception is limited to my observation of TARS in Interstellar. Even then, such an advanced and obviously trusted system could not make an appropriate judgment call simply because it is processing and retrieving known information.

AI Cannot Process Regenerative Reality, So Cannot Process Creative Solutions As Do Humans

Tars : Its Not Possible Cooper : No, Its Necessary – iFunny, Accessed 28 Oct. 2023.

Humans are Smarter than AI. Hyperbole Portending Human Inferiority to Machines is Profit Driven

Cooper does what is necessary, where the AI said it was impossible. The point is, a human being is the sole commander of regenerative reality. Closed loop market control using AI accelerates societal rot. In fact the only people who are making a killing on AI are criminals and the reason is they are using hype to taut unproven benefits.

What is Regenerative Reality? The Basis for a Global Aquarian Movement to Establish Global Common Law

Public Trust Demands Known Points of Reference in All Commercial and Governmental Systems

US Congress is aware that they have dropped the ball on Public Trust and National Security, having made deals to integrate software that is not capable of meeting the Public Trust, they have already deeply violated the US Constitution, which is what needs to be addressed immediately.

The Question of Authority is Constitutionally Backed as a Consenting Governed Authority and US Citizens DID NOT APPROVE the use of AI in our Commercial and Governmental Systems

Authority is the issue. By acting on devaluing the public trust to integrate systems that have corrupted our finance and banking using further random and unknown references of algorithms, the obvious benefit of the congressional and corporate decisions has not favored the public.

The Digital Tyrant Economy: Digital Tyranny is Creating a Billionaire Nobility, Attempting to Overthrow Consenting Governed Authority of We the People

Unfortunately for digital tyrants, their recent successes have blown out of control, and the significant proof as they are well aware, is the massive influx of new billionaires in the USA and the rapidly increasing wealth gap. Clearly a separate and fraudulent economy is being established by acts of grand collusion; lets call it a Digital Tyrant Economy and the resulting national security threat is no longer hiding nor is it capable of being hid. Also worth noting, this Digital Tyrant Economy is based on inflation, kleptocracy, which is international grand collusion and is accompanied by terror operations.

Increased School Shootings, Recent Shooter Dead in Maine Further Underscores Need for Investigations of US Digital Tyrants Terror Operations

Author Bran Knowles Explains the Difficulty Related to the Public Defining the Trustworthiness of AI, and Notes AI is Already a Prevalent Interface in Society. Her Paper is co authored by John T. Richards. The YouTube Presentation offers Insights on the Underdeveloped and Potential Frameworks for Acquiring Trustworthiness within the institutions but honestly addresses the problem of source integration of AI from various components all potentially impacting the question of Status of Trustworthiness while Embracing the Institutionalized Impacts of AI.

“The Sanction of Authority: Promoting Public Trust in Ai.” YouTube, 5 May 2021, Retrieved October 25, 2023

To Access the Paper Please Click the Link Below as Cited Below

Knowles, Bran, and John T. Richards. “The sanction of authority.” Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2021,

Do We the People Cower to a Tiny Group of Arrogant Elitists who Believe they are Going to Overthrow the Consenting Governed, We the People, the Ultimate Authority of the USA, Along with Our Constitution that is well Referenced and Proven for 247 Years by PUBLIC TRUST to BEAT BACK TYRANNY???

No, we have awareness of the issue, we have the ability to communicate and organize, so, lets PEACEFULLY and PRAGMATICALLY utilize the appropriate social media technology and well established common laws we enjoy to address the issues. I have a strategy to do just that. All you need to do is be brave and pass on this blog to your neighbors. Can a US President emerge from a Write In Candidacy? ABSOLUTELY!

A 28th Amendment to reassure the People of the United States retain AUTHORITY, and a $15 TRILLION USD investment in a Massive Design / Build Projects Program to Revitalize Undeserved Markets OWNED AND OPERATED BY We the People is Underway. Would you like to start your own business? You will soon have Every Available Resource at your disposal.

Community Action Secures Homeland CASH Initiative Projects

Instead of a Leadership that Steals Money from the Gross Domestic Product to Hand over to the Criminal Shareholder Value Economy, DAVE ’24 is leading a Worker Owned and Managed Movement that through Ethical Best Practices is HISTORICALLY Proven to Build Public Trust, the US Dollar and Gross Domestic Product in Every State of the USA

For More Information on How the CASH Initiative Works, Read the Blog Article Below


DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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