Q: How to Retain Hope in a Brain Dead Society?

A: Dave Campbell is Still Alive, Plus the Planets Aligned Today, so Yeah, Find Me, Let’s Chat The USA Leadership in Commerce, Governance and Academia is Poised to Fall to Tyranny The evidence is speaking loud and clear. Leaders today are more focused on their retirement than any other factor. Every board decision today is …

I’m David Campbell from Michigan, and I am Available for Interview as US President or Vice President Candidate

The Most Difficult Problem Facing the Country is Not Mentioned by any Presidential Campaign: Two Economies Operate from a Single Tax Base and Gross Domestic Product 1. Tyrant Economy: Closed Loop Loots Free Market then Illegally Holds Trillions in Cash Reserves 2. We the People Economy: Regulated Free Market Funding both Economies and Operating at …

DAVE’24: Unite in Public Trust & We the People Don’t Divide into War

Public Trust built the Wealth of the United States of America, not Investing in Tech. In 2024, Looting the Economy as a Preferred Investment Model Cannot Continue; Why Not Let’s Do This Instead? Rebuild the Public Trust. How? A $15 Trillion USD Worker to Owner Program. Check it: On the Waterfront: Will You Please Help …

July 4th, USA: Home of the Brave, or Land of Cowards Overrun by Tyrants? Let’s Make it Personal: Are You too Rich or too Poor to Care?

Money, Lots of Dirty Money! Can We the People Resurrect Independence with a High Creed? Yes, Can YOU Identify How WE ALL Contribute to Tyranny? Are YOU Willing to Examine YOUR INVESTMENTS? Problem Source: US and International corporations sitting on trillions in cash reserves, a rising billionaire nobility and increasing government corruption. Extremely rich people …

Dave Campbell’s Global Leadership Movement: A Global Model for the Immediate Accrual of Public Trust and Corresponding Gross Domestic Product

Situation: Global GDP is at a Breaking Point: Tyranny’s Doubled-Edged Sword (Murder and Theft) is Pressing Firmly against its own Neck. US Tax Payers are Glittering in Fresh Blood as the Same Transnational Tyrants who Planned the Attacks on Ukraine and Gaza Force US to Cover $95 Billion in “Aid” Mostly Unaccounted Funds and Likely …

Dave Campbell’s State of the Union Address: USA is Being Sold to Tyrants by Traitors Using Subsidies and Digital Systems Fraud at the Expense of We the People; The Consenting Governed. The Problems and the Solutions:

Public Enemy #1, Transnational Kleptocracy, is Morphing from Self Identified Grand Colluding Old World Oligarchs, UK Imperialists and Silicon Valley Elitist Billionaires Into SAFE AI Legislation that Systemically Provides Algorithmic Immunity on the Way to Zero Accountability for Looting all People Meet 🇺🇸DAVE’24 (Easily offended? No worries, I am directing my insults to Criminals) Foreign …

Q: Leveraging Aquarian Identity to Create Massive Global Market Opportunity? A: Hell Yes!

Human Identity Encompasses All 8 Billion People on the Planet. Humanity having Suffered much Bloodshed at Our Own Hands Despite our base of Knowledge, it is Apparent that Humanity has Failed to bring the Promise of Peace on Earth. Tyranny and Terror Investing is the Preferred Business model in the USA. Once the Beacon of …

In the Year of the Wood Dragon, David Campbell of Michigan, USA, Fires Up Global Leaders to Reestablish the Authority of We the People

A 28th Constitutional Amendment Would Revitalize the Identity of Consenting Governed Authority in the USA and the World, Inspiring the Ethical Wealth, Nurture and Freedom Due Every Human Being Wood Dragon Art by Mike Schiano. Image Retrieved February 22, 2024 from https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/05/68/58/90/1000_F_568589061_IQcMlKyJ8AAJ6LONnfeR47Dj236n7Ohv.jpg Rotten Cash and Old-Money and Suddenly Nobody Is Buying the Bull Shit, Not …

USA Legend Rises Again! We the People Free the World from Tyranny

Dave Campbell is Raising USA Legendary Status* For Peacefully Leading a Global Movement Don’t Stop Believin’ and Don’t Stop Creating: Get Ready for Massive Worker Ownership Projects No Tyrant has Ever Believed as Big as American Dave Campbell. Why? Tyrants Do Not Understand Christ as Living Word, so Public Trust is a Joke to Elitists. …

YouTube’s Dave Campbell Knowledge Leader POTUS #47 Strategy Adds We the People Authoritative 4th Branch with 28th Constitutional Amendment+$15 Trillion CASH Initiative Projects

Dave’s Worker to Owner Strategy: Leverages Consenting Governed Authority, Common Law and a Massive Design Build Projects Program through his Community Action Secures Homeland or CASH Initiative would RESTORE USA’s Constitutionally Protected GDP Economy and STOP the Billionaire Systemic Fraud by EXPOSING ITIL/SOX Act; a Shareholder Value Criminal Business Model Economy The 28th Amendment â€“ Working …