Q: How to Retain Hope in a Brain Dead Society?

A: Dave Campbell is Still Alive, Plus the Planets Aligned Today, so Yeah, Find Me, Let’s Chat

Campbell, David. “Global🌐Dave so DUH, I Ran 4 US President….” Dave Campbell Knowledge Leader , www.Youtube.com, 26 Aug. 2024, www.youtube.com/shorts/q5PXCtPrl0c. Accessed 28 Aug. 2024.

The USA Leadership in Commerce, Governance and Academia is Poised to Fall to Tyranny

The evidence is speaking loud and clear. Leaders today are more focused on their retirement than any other factor. Every board decision today is about what’s in this for me. The meaning of stewardship in society is no longer about free market development, but instead a self imposed entitlement to an erroneous belief in proving one’s individual superiority. It’s a joke, right?

No, Sadly it’s a Financial Terrorism Model

Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Isaiah 1 verses 5 – 7 King James Version

No, It’s not a Joke. The Saddest Part of this Corruption? A Belief by both Criminals and the Public that Wealth Obtained by Looting the Source of Wealth can Hold its Value

To Openly Rebuke Billionaires and their Unsustainable Industrial Military Business Model, Isn’t Working, so We the People need a Powerful Business Model to Draw Investments Back Into the Free Market

The planets align today. No seriously, there are several forming a visible line of planets. Is that what I needed to get some eyes on my work? Not sure. Hope so, I’m exasperated!

I’ve introduced a 28th Amendment draft at a time the USA really needs an honest solution and timely solution too. I’ve reached out to leaders in commerce, government and academia including religious academia, and not one leader is interested in ANY of my contributions, although early on the Dalai Lama did offer a very nice encouragement.

A Formal Complaint

So, this particular blog writing is a formal complaint to God, the Universe, Angels and all US and global leaders who are in charge: You have seen my work and are ignoring an honest and timely solution to these critical public trust issues. You realize what I have done to uphold ethical free market development and choose to ignore me. You also are completely aware that your permitting of the systemic looting of the USA and the global GDP is not sustainable, yet you continue to steal from the people.

That is on you all. I’m going to post this as a complaint to brain dead global leaders and to remind God who put all this in my heart to do, and I have done it, with no income, no help and no signs that any leader or friend has given my work any acknowledgement.

Dave, you Should just Trust and be Happy, you don’t Need Validation if You’re Doing Honest Work

Don’t tell me I should not need to be validated; argue your paycheck to your boss. The thing is, I have outperformed every one of you. Anyone who reads my 28th Amendment draft will wonder why the US leadership has not moved forward with such a powerful answer to our global tyranny issue.

Campbell, David. “🇺🇸DAVE’24 Now, You Lose.” Www.youtube.com, 26 Apr. 2024, www.youtube.com/shorts/cpnp5spOocw. Accessed 29 Aug. 2024.

My Disgust and Disdain to the Have Nots (have not any wisdom) who Run the World

My projects are worth trillions in USD NOW, today, and yet criminals in charge are not capable of assessing anything that isn’t related to stealing from others. The elitists are well versed in stealing the money from the people and then invest it further in fruitless closed loop markets.

Systemic Looting is Extremely Evident, yet, Cover Up by Hype and Subsidy is on Fast Track

The SOX Act / ITIL systemic looting has perfected the hiding of criminal behavior of public officials. AI Legislation is poised to make criminal looting of the US Government a matter of algorithm and court battles. The money that belongs to the people is stored illegally in the trillions of USD by cash reserves at the world’s largest international firms.

Why so Difficult to Identify? Because the Law has NOT Caught up to the Systemic Looting YET

Blinded by greed and the ease of looting the innocent taxpayer, the criminals have lost their consciences AND their good sense. Senator Schumer’s so called SAFE AI Legislation proposal would further place confusion and court battles between ongoing systemic theft and detecting and exposing the theft by digital systems fraud. Algorithms replacing longstanding common laws is BRAZEN ABUSE OF POWER and OPEN DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC TRUST.

Algorithms are Programmable by Private Systems Owners: NOT UNDERSTOOD NOR APPROVED BY PUBLIC TRUST


This Level of Trillion Dollar Looting Brings Blindness to Senators and to Commerce Leaders, Compromising Long Standing Value Chains and Destroying Global Security

Even as systemic theft is about to destroy a 248 year old nation our leaders were entrusted to protect, and KNOWING our consenting governed authority in the USA is the source of our wealth by hard earned PUBLIC TRUST, these corrupt leaders cannot see they that they have betrayed the oath of service and will not escape outcome of betrayal. Blinded by greed indeed.

Campbell, David . “Global🌐Dave AI Super Scam If Eye Only Had a Brain.” Dave Campbell Knowledge Leader, www.youtube.com, 28 Aug. 2024, www.youtube.com/shorts/6JetP_lAG2E. Accessed 28 Aug. 2024.

Well, I have upheld my oath, and if you have ignored me, You have NOT upheld your citizenship and you do not understand the essence of this consenting governed society. For those who knew my answers and did not pass them on, well, that is on you, not me. I’ll be back. I’m still in this fight for your free markets with or without you.

Browse my Three Blogs for Several More Projects Like These… Here’s an Idea, GET INVOLVED. GET AHOLD OF ME

About the Author 

PH3 (DV) David Campbell, US Navy 1987

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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