How is 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Setting Precedent to be USA’s 47th Sitting President? What? Is America Finally Waking Up to Ask the Basic 5 W’s Now? Super; I’ll ask the big one: Did your Candidate Prioritize Shareholder Value Investment over their Oath to Defend Our Public Trust & Gross Domestic Product Economy?

Dave Campbell, Michigan, Restores Consenting Governed Authority, Rebukes the Criminal Digital Tyrant Economy and trumps the Republican Strategy for National Security: Proving DAVE ’24 is Doing the Work to Earn a Nomination

Global Crime Fighter: The Honorable United States Senator Carl Levin, Democrat, Michigan, Deceased

BU2(DV1) David Campbell With Hon. US Senator Carl Levin Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center Alpena, Michigan September 17, 2005
Photo Credit Noble Odyssey Foundation Reference:

Regaining our Sense of Identity as Americans

247 years ago America won independence from British Imperialism. We the People were born to fight this crime; So, how do US leaders justify abusing our GDP Economy to develop a powerful emerging Shareholder Value Economy, essentially a systemic ITIL managed and AI hyped domestic terrorist?

How can We the People identify and fight this criminally programmed, systemic digital tyrant that serves its growing billionaire nobility?

How do we get back to ethical best practices that attract investment in the free market and GDP economy that serves the needs of people? Voters in 2024 must now make a distinction between the voice of America’s leaders and the media hyped, increasingly violent voices of tyrants; so who is who? The answer is in the OBVIOUS OUTCOMES of criminal OBJECTIVES compared to the OBVIOUS OUTCOMES of ethical and lawful OBJECTIVES.

Whomever is responsible for the OBJECTIVES is also responsible or the OUTCOMES

Consenting governed leaders build Public Trust. Criminals in our leadership destroy our unity. Thankfully, we can see the crimes of Domestic Financial Terrorism by objectives and outcomes

Examples of Recent Objectives of Identifiable Digital Tyranny and Grand Colluding US Leadership

  1. Systemic Fraud: Sox Act, ITIL and Shareholder Value with fourth phase of cover up attempt pending AI legislation (If the AI Legislation is passed, a zero accountability policy shields leaders from culpabilty. How? Oh the AI had a glitch? Oh we did not see that coming?) Machine blaming will create years of judicial system backlog as laws slowly or never catch up to ABERRANT AI legislation.
  2. Massive redirecting of Market Activity: Global Lock-downs during Covid Pandemic, Shipping Crisis
  3. Trillion Dollar Spending Bills, Misinformation and Rushed Covid, Infrastructure etc
  4. Hyperbole/Tech Icon Campaign: Great Reset, Green Super Power Economy including Finance, EV, AI
  5. Insurrection, Killings and School Shootings, other acts of terror
  6. Large scale sell off of small and medium business for quick profit
  7. Devaluation of worker honors and rewards. Driving more workers to the work at home model. No Rest No Reward, with Accountablity to an ITIL system irrespective of human concern.

Recent Outcomes of Digital Tyranny of Grand Colluding in the USA

  1. Creates Systemic Closed Loop illegally directing investment away from the GDP
  2. Massive Increase of New Millionaire and Billionaires in USA: increased wealth gap, crime and poverty
  3. Shifts Investments further away from GDP Economy to the Shareholder Value Economy
  4. Pulls national sentiment away from citizenship & Public Trust towards get rich quick & crime
  5. Devaluation of USA’s identity of We the People to a feeling of vulnerability & distrust of leadership
  6. Leaves business seller with declining value of USD while increasing investment in fraud stocks & vice
  7. Loss of historical and societal reference creates health issues, weakens will and further drives poverty. No Rest No Reward, with Accountability to machine managed ITIL system closed to human concern.

America, in 2024 you must choose between two very distinct forms of leadership; a criminal mob style that encourages our people to become rich or get left behind, complete with more trillion dollar spending bills that destroy the gross domestic product free market economy and damage public trust with acts of domestic terror, OR, a leadership that encourages you to develop ethical worker owned and managed companies of your own designs, and proudly contribute to the consenting governed upon which the USA was established and the only way we can continue as a free society. I have provided a road-map and identified your way: Choose.

Dave Campbell US Presidential Hopeful Founder of, and

MacArthur Park Musical Theme Parks is Under Way Now to Honor Musicians from all over the World

Billy Joel – Honesty (official video). YouTube. (2009, October 2). Accessed August 15, 2023

How is 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Setting Precedent to End Crime Peacefully, Ethically and with Design Build Projects*

  1. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Prioritizing Digital Tyranny and Grand Collusion as Global Public Enemy #1
  2. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Creating massive Worker Owned & Managed Design Build Ethical Projects movement
  3. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Challenging US and Global Leaders to Champion the Cause of Public Trust over Crime
  4. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 encourages you to spread the word: start a worker owned design build project online
  5. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 says don’t listen to hyperbole or angry people, instead start creating your own projects
  6. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is introducing Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust & Four Tier Accounting
  7. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 offers Fitness Pavilions, MacArthur Parks Musical Theme Parks and a Global Horse Race

Contrasting the Freedoms we Enjoy with Honorable Leaders vs the Oppression of Criminal Leaders

Our Leaders DO NOT tell us what to do, as Consenting Governed Citizens, we are confident in our elected representatives who through ethical best practices work to safeguard our freedoms, liberty and justice. The freedoms we enjoy allow our ability to participate in healthy society a burgeoning fun and creative vision to build the American Dream drives us to both independence and interdependence: We are ever increasing our We the People independence and our Public Trust interdependence.

Upward Mobility, Rest and Reward, Pride and Dignity in Self and Society

We become educated, employed and build wealth for our families with honest business we proudly share with our communities. In turn we select leadership that represents the OUTSTANDING and GLOBALLY ACCEPTED MODEL OF USA’S LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, a consenting governed model of authority of INDEPENDENT AND INTERDEPENDENT PEOPLE: NOT MORONS, NOT TYRANTS, NOT THE MOB.

Free people develop free market interdependence, supported by just weights and measures, a strong US dollar and freedom to develop ethical means to meet HUMAN DESIRES and GENUINE market demands, resulting in public trust and gross domestic product. NOT SHAREHOLDER VALUE, NOT DIGITAL FIXATION THAT PUMMELS OUR LONGSTANDING GDP SO MORONS CAN PLOT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, BUY MORE HOUSES THEY DON’T USE, AND TRADE STOLEN ART WITH OLIGARCH PUNKS WEARING ALLIGATOR SHOES.

Since J-6 Citizens have become Increasingly Aware that a growing number of US Leaders have Traded Oath of Service for Dirty Money or Grand Collusion

Opening our Eyes to Grand Collusion we now clearly see that US Leaders buy in on UK ITIL, are among those allowing the very tyrants driven out 247 years ago access to America’s precious Gross Domestic Product economy.

Crimes that were dismissed as “new normal” are revealing NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY, but TEXTBOOK CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE resulting in increasing poverty, slave trade, racial killings, school shootings and market fraud.

For an Identity Reminder, Let’s Set a Precedent For Equal Justice in Stone with the George Floyd Mt. Rushmore Project

Campbell, D. J. (2022, January 19). Dave Campbell short: The first US precedent equal justice. YouTube. Accessed August 12, 2023

America Needs to Remember our Authority: By the US Constitution, we are a Consenting Governed AUTHORITY, We Rule Ourselves. America Needs to Re-establish Ourselves as a Super Power, not from Grand Colluding Criminals, but as Free and Just Citizens. To that End, here is my Platform:

I am currently developing a means through which the General Public can access all the tools and expertise needed to set the USA back on an ethical and profitable future path through best practices and design / build projects.

For every problem I have identified as America’s most serious issues, you will see my concepts provide answers for profitable and immediate recovery to begin. The business models of my strategy all come under one single vision and mission statement: Regenerative Reality and Public Trust.

Among the several projects I invite you to work on and take ownership of, for your profitability, for your security, are the following examples: The Spinning Engine, The Aquarian Sage University, MacArthur Parks Musical Theme Parks, Annual Global Horse Race, Fitness Pavilions, 28th Amendment of the US Constitution, George Floyd as Precedent for Justice on Mt. Rushmore, Story Tellers, the original Community Action Secures Homeland Initiative and many other projects you can read about in my blogs.

Choose: Fear, Terror and Oppression, OR Enthusiasm, Freedom and Creativity! Spread the news of 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 today! The more we can get people interested in working on design building their own companies and writing their own bills, the faster our identity of Free and Brave stands against Digital Tyranny

*The following section is designed to compare and contrast the OBJECTIVES and OUTCOMES of criminals with ACTUAL Ethical Design Build Projects you can begin to engage NOW by leaving comments. Each of the concerns from above section OBJECTIVES and OUTCOMES is answered with projects from Dave Campbell. Click on the project, read and leave your comments. Spread the word!

1. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Prioritizing Digital Tyranny and Grand Collusion as Global Public Enemy #1

2. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Creating massive Worker Owned & Managed Design Build Ethical Projects movement

3. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is Challenging US and Global Leaders to Champion the Cause of Public Trust over Crime

4. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 encourages you to spread the word: start a worker owned design build project online

5. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 says don’t listen to hyperbole or angry people, instead start creating your own projects

6. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is introducing Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust & Four Tier Accounting

7. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 offers Fitness Pavilions, MacArthur Parks Musical Theme Parks and a Global Horse Race and much more

Schedule and Interview with Dave Campbell

Press Release Download and Pass to Your Local News or Radio Station

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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