Dave Campbell’s Global Leadership Movement: A Global Model for the Immediate Accrual of Public Trust and Corresponding Gross Domestic Product

Situation: Global GDP is at a Breaking Point: Tyranny’s Doubled-Edged Sword (Murder and Theft) is Pressing Firmly against its own Neck. US Tax Payers are Glittering in Fresh Blood as the Same Transnational Tyrants who Planned the Attacks on Ukraine and Gaza Force US to Cover $95 Billion in “Aid” Mostly Unaccounted Funds and Likely Going Directly Back to the Tyrants Who Fund Propaganda & Terror to Steer US and Global Sentiment. We Now See Very Clearly Who, What, When, Where and Why:

Rich Accruing Global Sentiment as the Blithering Idiot Rat Pack (BIRPs) Image Retrieved May 4, 2024 from https://cdn.howmuch.net/articles/wealthiest-families-world-d74f.jpg Irena, & Editor. (n.d.). Mapping filthy rich families around the world. HowMuch. https://howmuch.net/articles/wealthiest-families-world

Warning to Elitists Image Retrieved May 4, 2024 from https://howdoyoumeasure525600minutes.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/frederick-douglass-justice-denied.jpg

Look at me world, I’m a transnational billionaire and I have no problem crushing millions of people and looting the global GDP to fund my growing global crimes! I’m a TYRANT! I’m an IDIOT!

Satirical Quote Befitting Arrogant Tyrants as Seen through the eyes of 8 Billion US and Global Citizens

Genocide and Utter Destruction of Gaza Planned by Transnational Financial Terrorists Posing as Benevolent World Leaders. Self Exposed Imbeciles Spend Billions to Destroy the Source of Wealth, Human Beings and Public Trust that Yields Thriving Economies. Tyrants Revel in Killing Innocents and Human Suffering offers them their Misguided Source of Superiority and Brazen Entitlement to Steal

Image Retrieved May 4, 2024 from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/26/un-expert-accuses-israel-of-several-acts-of-genocide-in-gaza

The Upper 1% of the World Mastermind the Tragic Cycle of Taxation for Destruction: Culpable for War Economies the Rich Arrogantly Showcase through Monopolized Media, a Maladjusted Arrogance and Insanity in their Lust for Horror that Clearly Outweighs their Greed. Should we Fear Insanity now clearly Identified? Cowardly Leaders, many on the Take, following a Path heading to Double Dip Pensions offered by the Revolving Door; a Matriculation through the Ranks of Commercial and Military Administration on the way to Board Member Service who’s Focus includes Grand Collusion? Should we be Terrified of those who Abandoned their Oath to a Consenting Governed for Personal Gain by Service to Super Rich Against the USA and Global Sovereign Governments? Historically Unseen, Here Unfolds Before the Eyes of 8 Billion Oppressed Citizens, the map to Domestic Tyranny

“House Passes $95 Billion Package to Provide Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.” Www.youtube.com, youtu.be/221cpVfVe5I. Accessed 4 May 2024.

Attn: Reptiles who Promote then Glory in Spoils and Delight in the Cries of the Innocent as Army Tanks Crush their Libraries and Hospitals: You were Warned by US Journalist and Stateman Frederick Douglass, as VULNERABLE! Now you have put yourselves on Display as Treacherous Murderers. Killing and Looting is your Preferred Business Model! Surely You are Not So Stupid as To Believe the Blood of Your Prey Isn’t On the Good Consciences of Your Once Trusted Employed? Many were Loyal to their Nation’s Flag, Honored to Serve their People and Realize full well they have been Betrayed by so called Rich? Tyrannical Dictators who clearly now are Wielding Dishonorable, Untrustworthy and Valueless Threats?

Criminal Intelligence for Hire or the Arrogant Families that Hire them, Which Quacks Loudest?

“My Name Is Nobody (1973) — Bird, Cowpie, & Coyote Story.” Www.youtube.com, youtu.be/DyOdbkXEx9k?si=4rzr5LzTynY9Cih8. Accessed 9 May 2024.

Surely You are Not SO STUPID as to disbelieve as History Proves, Saviors ALWAYS Rise Up to Protect the People from the Likes of You Brutal Self Absorbed Maniacs? The Savior’s Name is Aquarius, known also by Ancient of Days. Today, you’ll learn to know Him by the Voice of Antichrist (COMMON LAW) and within a few weeks you will be meeting him and he will tell you what to do next. Until then, Pass this on to Your “intelligent masterminds” LMAO because you Now Realize by Destroying Global Public Trust, You Have Essentially Gutted the Golden Goose, the Global GDP which was ONLY means of hiding your crimes! And now you are Sitting Ducks Quacking as one American Werewolf, NOT from London, WAVING A 28th Amendment, a High Creed, Approaches you 8 BILLION STRONG

And Now, Better Pay Attention to the HOW to Get out of your Current Mess; You GUTLESS Criminals who swore an oath to serve and went on the take, Now is your opportunity for redemption; follow the US Constitution.

About the Author

PH3 (DV) David Campbell, US Navy 1987

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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