🇺🇸 DAVE ’24: Congress! Stop School Shootings! How to Expose & Imprison Collusion Networks from Oligarchs to Senators to Mercenaries to…

Former US & UK, et. al Intelligence, Special Forces Operatives and Public Servants Not Satisfied with the Honor of Serving their Nations, Now Criminals, have taken their skills Experienced from your US and UK Tax Dollars, and Recruit and Train Broken People to Shoot our Children at School? This is How School Shooting Operations Are …

Fitness Pavilions Workout: CASH Initiative Project

In 2023: Public Works Out Shift from Fraudulent ITIL Shareholder Value back to Building Public Trust The Aquarian Age declares Human Nurture as the core global common law… In 2023, societal fitness becomes a thing and society’s digital numeric fixation disorder called kleptocracy begins its inevitable and humiliating plummet into obsolescence. Summary: EV investors are …