April Fools Day 2023: A Landmark Case and Presidential Race for the Public Trust Begins; The People vs. the United States Government

Dave Campbell’s CASH Initiative Lawsuit Projects, Bill Writing Projects and a Massive People Initiated Ethics Centric and Worker Owned Industrial Revolution is made available to the USA and the World.

CASH Initiative projects are designed to secure the Public Trust and restore a vibrant Gross Domestic Product economy: and also designed to work toward the Indictment of identifiable Transnational Kleptocrats (Super Elite Criminal Network) who are compromising our national security.

Plausible Deniability, Hyperbole and Transnational Kleptocracy Destroys Society

The SOX Act, masterminded in part by criminal intelligence, was a response to the public outrage of financial fraud. An apparent success at first blush, SOX instead steers a now burgeoning IT market and enforces an ITIL managed closed loop, focused on only shareholder value gains, that eliminates “aberrant” expenditures, ultimately undermining the free market GDP and escalating a billionaire nobility.

Mob Culture and Greed on the Rise in the USA

These intelligence “masterminds” have created government and business storytelling that either plays havoc on or leverages public sentiment all to gain positional authority to commit brazen acts of grand collusion. The game perfected, laundering dirty money into the US financial system by financial gifts leaves universities, the most recent recipients of the “broken ankle” school shootings, in a “you scratch mine or else” position we see playing out in NBA, MLB and John Wick 4. Mob culture is back in the USA.

Icons of the ITIL and EV Economy, Much Like Al Capone, are Pawns for Criminal Bankers

Barnes, J. E., & Haberman, M. (2020, February 19). Trump names Richard Grenell as acting head of Intelligence. The New York Times. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/19/us/politics/dni-national-intelligence-director-grenell.html 

This is a job requiring leadership, management, substance and secrecy… He doesn’t have the kind of background and experience we would expect for such a critical position.

John Sipher, former C.I.A. officer speaking of Richard Grenell

Do We Need to Carry Out Court Proceedings When Even Proceedings Seem to Play a Role in Collusion? For Example Putting off Indictments when High Level Criminals are Playing with Our Systems? YES. Peaceful Ethical Reforms are Needed

Outcomes. Sentient Human Beings have chosen regenerative practices for millennia based on the truths evidenced in OUTCOMES. If commercial, governance and academic leadership fall to greed, history shows a repeating outcome of societal collapse. America in 2023 is truly the Tale of Two Paths. One path leads to national success, the other to national failure.

America is currently sputtering along in a divided economy. One economy is legitimate and honorable. The other is fraudulent and reprehensible. You may believe it is impossible to determine what activities are contributing to this blended economy, but its actually very simple to determine based on outcomes.

It is time for each citizen to discern what is true from what is false, based not on the misdeeds of another political party, but on individual and societal decisions that produce damaging outcomes. To make this a non partisan determination is easy: Just like from July 4th, 1776 we were all Americans, On April 1, 2023, there is still only one USA, so we are in this together.

Change your view from its THEIR fault to its OUR fault, and then, oh god, its gonna get uncomfortable, I know, because its so easy to judge instead of repent; but take a good look at your investments and say, oh my god, could this mess we are all in, could it actually be MY fault?


Dave Campbell Founder of CASH INITIATIVE INC. and Wanna Be US President 2024

The purpose of corporations is public service, meeting legitimate market needs of a free market society. When corporations are used to hatch and justify grand collusion, the outcomes are civic unrest, poverty and war.

David Campbell Founder of Community Action Secures Homeland Initiative and cashinit.com

The Tale of Two Economies

Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability is the Model that Provides Profitable Societal Outcomes Yielding Gross Domestic Product Economy and Bolstering Public Trust

Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product Economy thrive when leadership of commerce, governance and academia are balanced in a regenerative societal model. In my discovery called Regeneration Model, I present a core four part model from which all outcomes can be weighed as ether profitable for human regeneration or damaging against it. Appearing in order and as a continual process, Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability produce outcomes that both nurture individual freedoms and build strong society.

Kleptocracy, Coercion, Systemic Fraud, Plausible Deniability Produce Damaging Societal Outcomes Yielding Shareholder Value that Engorge Billionaire’s Bank Accounts and Increase Violence

Civic Unrest and Shareholder Value Economy is using a degenerative corporate model: Kleptocracy, Coercion, Systemic Fraud, Plausible Deniability ITIL’s Closed Loop corporate management model and Market Steering provide Grand Colluding Kleptocrats free money that comes from US taxpayers and unwitting investors.

US Government is Not the Servant of Elites who Leverage Plausible Deniability for Grand Collusion

Plausible Deniability was established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1960 to insulate Senior Public Leaders from culpability, passing the blame down to operators. Trump’s scripted insurrection on the US Capitol has proven that passing down culpability to operators for the crimes of leaders is really a thing.

Who is Henry “Enrique” Tarrio? Could Transnational Kleptocracy Benefit by Scripting Insurrection?

Former leader of proud boys pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy for efforts to stop transfer of power following 2020 presidential election. The United States Department of Justice. (2022, October 6). Retrieved March 30, 2023, from https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-leader-proud-boys-pleads-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-efforts-stop-transfer-power 

Transnational Kleptocracy Involves Violent Crime: What Makes Them Do This? Can They Be Removed From Office? Father and Son, Proudly Serving American Family Values at Our Expense? Are Transnational Kleptocracy Actors also US Citizens to Become Sitting Presidents by Design?

Violent Crimes Include Ukraine War and the most Recent MSU School Shooting. All Victims of Society? Should we also “Lock Them Up”

Nelson, S. (2023, March 7). Wh won’t say why Hunter Biden-tied Russian oligarchs avoided sanctions. New York Post. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/jean-pierre-wont-say-why-hunter-biden-linked-russian-oligarchs-arent-sanctioned/


“It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society,” Mr. Biden said in 1993, adding, “I don’t want to ask, ‘What made them do this?’ They must be taken off the street.”

Mr. Joe Biden 1993 Stolberg, S. G., & Herndon, A. W. (2019, June 25). ‘lock the S.O.B.S up’: Joe Biden and the era of mass incarceration. The New York Times. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/25/us/joe-biden-crime-laws.html 

This is Not an April Fools Joke. Dave Campbell wants to be President of the United States of America. Enough Division, Time We the People Work Together. Learn More:

About The Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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