Michigan Governor Write-In Candidate Strategy? Crime Fighter / Blue Collar Presidential Candidate? Dave Campbell Light US Up 2022 / 2024 Elections

Game Changer: Supported Only By Google’s You Tube And Rejected By Trump Cultists
Former US Navy Deep Sea Diver Dave Campbell Strategizes A Michigan Write In Ballot Strategy
To Defeat Donald Trump In 2022 & 2024

Write In Governor Strategy To Defeat Putin/Trump & Safeguard US Elections

To preserve our freedom in Michigan, Putin/Trump must be defeated in our 2022 and 2024 elections. Presently, Putin/Trump loyalists are working to declare victory with legal wrangling and ongoing claims Trump won, even though Trump has admitted to officials that he did in fact lose.

Putin/Trump have a problem: Dave Campbell’s precedent setting COMMUNITY ACTION SECURES HOMELAND (CASH) INITIATIVE strategy. Here is your opportunity to write history As allowed by law; Write-In your candidate.

Stating that 200+ US shootings in 2022 is evidence of domestic terrorism is akin to standing atop a roof and howling at the moon. But did you stop to think that a dead shooter cannot be questioned as to who may have put the shooter up to the act? Investigations that do not go forward along with immediate declaration by officials the shootings are hate crimes is a sure way to increase the confidence of domestic terrorists to continue killing. There is a one to one ratio between the growing number of violent attacks and the number of new millionaires and billionaires spawned by the fraudulent shareholder value economy.

Could public silence regarding the lack of due process also demonstrate the USA has lost its power to openly contest criminal activity? Is freedom of speech and social justice being bullied away from the consenting governed by kleptocracy propaganda? Are officials taking money from criminals to declare school shootings are racial hate crimes prior to any investigation for domestic terrorism?

Dave Campbell – founder Community Action Secures Homeland (CASH) Initiative
Could Trump MAGA Insurrection Be Domestic Terrorism Orchestrated By GOP/DNC Grand Colluders?
Photo Courtesy Lemire, J. (2021, January 7). Analysis: Trump’s rage ignites mob assault on democracy. AP NEWS.
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from https://apnews.com/article/us-capitol-stormed-287c0c48135eebf189e02c4df4286863 

Donald Trump Working For Grand Colluders Shareholder Value Economy, GOP Or Oligarchs?

In my view, the US Capitol attack was designed to perpetuate division, fear and rage. Ultimately it was a tactical victory for criminal intelligence enemies; the attack was cloaked in partisan divide and it was also a financial win for the rising billionaire nobility who represent the shareholder value economy.

Kleptocracy Is The Exact Opposite Of Liberty

The USA was not founded to support tyrants, but to protect the people from tyranny. Shareholder value economy investments are no longer based upon ethical best practices that serve the needs of the people, but instead shareholder value investment is done with insider information to the detriment of the citizens. Market control by kleptocracy is collusion based and supported by acts of terrorism.

Colluding senators who sign bills into laws steer markets as they are tipped off by criminal intelligence and corrupt board members. This international network is known as kleptocracy.

Tom Burgis, Journalist Holds His Book, Kleptopia After Winning A Libel Claim from Oligarch. Photo Credit Casciani, D. (2022, March 2). Journalist wins ‘kleptocrat’ book high court libel case. BBC News. Retrieved May 26, 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60595266 

Tom Burgis, KLEPTOPIA The Eye Opener Nobody Wants To See, Is A Must Read In 2022

I grew up idolizing Charles Bronson, Jacque Yves Cousteau, Donna Summer & Glenn Frye. Today, I’m a big fan of Captain America, Captain Marvel, AC/DC & Pink. Believe me, I’d rather believe bad guys could never take over our government. Government overthrow of the USA sounds more like an action movie, but in 2016 we witnessed a Putin/Trump led interference in the US Elections and in 2021 a Putin/Trump led insurrection. We all witnessed the strategic attack on the US Capitol.

Conditioning, Propaganda and Corporate Owned Media – No News Is Bad News For USA

When is the last time you heard a television journalist answer the 5 W’s of reporting? Who, What, When, Where and Why? To prove terrorists have been conditioning your thinking, let me ask you, did you believe the attack was justified? Or could you be convinced it may have been an act of domestic terrorism? My view is the attack was scripted in part by international corporations like Arcanum Global led by Ron Wahid, where former US and UK intelligence officials also apparently work for oligarchs.

“Masterminds” Of The Elites. Intelligence You Paid Taxes For To Protect You, Now For Hire.
Image Courtesy Unknown. (2019, January 28). Our executive team: Arcanum. Arcanum Global.
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from https://arcanumglobal.com/arcanum-team/our-leadership-team/ 

The “Masterminds” At Arcanum Global Hope You Do Not Start Asking Them Questions

See the bio above. What kind of corporation can own a bank, a mining company and offer services to make a criminal’s public image appear to be favorable? Who in government service would authorize collaboration with a for-hire international intelligence organization? Why hasn’t Arcanum Global been shut down by NATO or charged for criminal acts by the US Department of Justice? When does it become more obvious to a consenting governed people that the USA is steeped in kleptocracy?

How can you do anything to help? Look into CASH Initiative and pass the word. The power to defeat corruption and restore national security through ethical best practices is in your hands.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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