Community Action Secures Homeland (CASH) Initiative – Takes Down Kleptocracy (Grand Collusion) And Restores Economic Security Through Ethical Accounting, Finance and Investment
Identifying Financial Terrorism & Domestic Terrorists
Buffalo’s recent mass killing, was it racism or domestic terrorism? Public officials Immediately declaring the shooting was a racist hate crime plays directly into the textbook strategy of domestic terrorism. The USA is currently under attack by financial terrorists, and you are now aware. Tactical criminal intelligence plays out in terrorist attacks that distract citizens from the criminal’s greater purpose – market control.
Arcanum Global A Ron Wahid Criminal Intelligence For Hire Corporation Is Staffed By US and UK Former Intelligence Leaders
Criminal intelligence for hire organizations such as Arcanum Global exist to make criminal oligarchs, criminal corporation leaders, or criminal government officials appear to be outstanding humanitarians. Judge for yourself at
KLEPTOPIA By Tom Burgis Debunks Naive Remarks Regarding Conspiracy And Openly Exposes The Grand Collusion, Murders And Terrorism Of US & Global Kleptocracy
That may sound incredibly naive, or perhaps conspiratorial, but it is also incredibly profound, because it is profoundly evident by virtue of old school psychological warfare textbooks, that the USA is under attack by old school, old boy networks that operate across borders to defeat the people and to steal from their established commercial value chains, to the benefit of the super elites and to the detriment of unsuspecting citizens. As presently unfolding in the Ukraine, evidence abounds and terror attacks on the USA are increasing right along with the rising crime rates and the oligarch kids donations and grand art events featured by our very own prized institutions.
Your Judgment Call As A US Citizen: Ask Yourself; Do I Pay Taxes To Have My Taxes Stolen By Super Elite Criminals, Who Then Hire Criminal Intelligence Organizations To Attack My Cities? Or Do I Pay Taxes To Be Protected From Criminal Attacks By These Super Elitists?
The new concept being introduced at CASH Initiative is called FOUR TIER ACCOUNTING. Four Tier Accounting will be designed by a nationwide team who work collaboratively on the upcoming project development section of this website.
Four Tier Accounting will be designed for the purpose of allowing anyone in any community to access a public records system that reflects local, state and federal and global financial data. This access will allow for 100% transparency for all federal, state, and local expenditures, and will also allow for the creation of bills and laws that deal directly with transparency and crime fighting.
Super Elite Kleptocrats Model Greed And Theft. Genuine Americans Model Love Of Neighbor & Ethically Building Society.
A growing sentiment of greed to be wealthy is being perpetuated by super elites who launch fraudulent movements with the overall design to take more money out of the economic value chains and the tax base through grand collusion. Propaganda to increase the criminal position against the people leverages sensitive public sentiments such as border issues, racism, abortion, and economic loss to launch movements such as Make America Great Again (MAGA) Build Back Better, Covid 19 Economic Relief Bill, Legacy Christianity, The Great Reset, and other popular names all of which have increased division, increased the crime rate, and increased the inappropriate and currently untraced use of both commercial and government finances. In short; America is being played by yet to be identified publicly, financial terrorists in both GOP and DNC.
How To Identify Kleptocrats And To Develop Ethical Projects Authorized By The People?
With your involvement, CASH Initiative can launch a public four tier accounting system that is to be designed and built openly by the American people, facilitated on the CASH Initiative website. CASHINIT.COM will soon have project development tools and will encourage people to do everything from developing the bills and laws needed to support the system, the administrative, strategic development and operational systems, and the design and building of the actual machines and buildings that house the new forms of records and data.
Four Tier Accounting Launches A New Nationwide Industry: From Waste Plastics To Record Keeping Industry Here In The USA
The data will be electronically stored, but also accompanied by actual printed documents copied photographically and made of refurbished plastics similar to microfilm when we were kids. So birthing a new global industry for waste plastics. Four tier accounting will touch all financial systems including stock and banking, international trade organizations etc. It is a massive crime fighting and ocean waste management project and represents among other things, a completely new industry in developing data storage out of waste materials such plastics in the oceans.
Four Tier Accounting Will Be Launched Simultaneously Accompanying A 28th Amendment For A Fourth Branch Of Government, An Authoritative Branch – And So Rapid Awareness And Resurging Spirit Of Public Trust By Offering A Hybrid Public / Governance Project Designed For Transparency Which Assures Equal Justice And Just Weights & Measures & Taxation With Representation
Being publicly owned, Four Tier Accounting will also set new standards for the stock ownership of the company and this will provide the impetus for developing an entirely new pubic stock and banking system complete with updated rules designed by the people, for the people that prohibit forced market development such as the IT market bubble through Sarbanes Oxley.
CASH Initiative & Four Tier Accounting Put The Power Of Creativity & Leadership In Your Hands, America. Consenting Governed Citizenship Is Assured By Your Taking Action.
America, its time for you to engage in your role as a consenting governed citizen. Leave a comment, help me get this blog rolling and help me facilitate these ethical projects to truly make our government and commercial and academic systems transparent, so we can all prosper. We can fight the criminals using ethics and by developing good common law. Thanks!
-David Campbell
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About the author:
Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.