RED Alert! Kleptocrats Breach National Security! A 28th Amendment Restores Public Trust With An Authoritative Branch, Enabling Ethical Leadership

Self Disclosed Domestic Terrorists Called Kleptocrats Wage Market Warfare Using Leaders, IT Management & Laws Such As Sarbanes Oxley Act. Further, They Destroy Public Trust With The ‘Genius!’ Of Propaganda. America’s Creative Response Is The Fourth Branch :

1. Authoritative 2. Executive 3. Legislative 4. Judicial

By David J. Campbell

Kleptocracy Terrorism Strategy Divides & Conquers Nations To Loot Tax Base, Control Markets and Steal Natural Resources Image obtained from

Kleptocracy Tyrants Created The Shareholder Economy To Steal Your Money

Are you in line to become the next click billionaire? A click billionaire is all the rage among the elite wanna be; people in a race to join the eight hundred US Super Elites. In part, The Click Billionaires consist of a fake nobility that knew full well that they traded ethics for their fraudulent stock as US citizens. Problem: Insider riches may have come easy to criminals who are currently getting away with the loot; but criminals tend to forget that money attained fraudulently even when appearing first to be legitimate is also traceable.


When known colluding government leaders sell off the economic value chains, that money is not only traceable money, it is money that can be paid back to the United States, no matter when it was stolen. The truest measure of the value of established economies is in their capacity to regenerate wealth. To have amassed the power of well established value chains is proof that free society works. To steal entire value chains is proof of grand collusion. To allow that societal super power to be dismantled is evidence of imbecilic leaders who do not recognize that their high level positions are also well lighted.

Public Trust Yields Powerful Economies When Honest Leaders Value The Consenting Governed

We The People Of the United States of America entrust our governance, commercial and academic leadership to work on behalf of the safety, health and strength of the nation. We trust one another with our day to day livelihood backed up by ethical systems and dependable people. Is it fitting that our leaders jettison the honor of leadership and public trust to gain short lived reputation as rock stars?

General Electric’s Iconic Jack Welch Taught America’s Leaders The Path Back To Monarchy

Here’s how grand colluders dupe the US: Criminally inclined leaders adapt the Jack Welch shareholder value proposal; first starve the golden goose, then leverage the golden eggs to create a virtual golden goose and egg production enigma (current IT market fraud) then feed the fake goose eggs (leveraged value of the USD) to greedy investors in financial products to perpetuate an expanding bubble.

Shareholder Value Strategy Is Now A Traceable & Punishable Act Of Domestic Grand Collusion

Fake egg money is also a profitable way for US kleptocrats to make real money but therein lies their big problem; now they cannot launder their traceable fake investments, money, nor their ill-gotten money in traceable USD, despite their digital readouts bursting at the seams. And so, whoop there it is, the long awaited fall of kleptocracy is upon the kleptocracy, and thankfully for common law, which oath abiding and honorable leaders uphold, not on the citizens of the USA.

Jack Welch Was A Greedy Monster (Kleptocrat) Image Downloaded From

Because Welch was so idolized, the path he trod became the path every other CEO trod as well. They all began focusing on shareholder value. That became the basis on which they were judged and paid. And it warped the business culture, causing companies to put employees, vendors and even customers behind the primacy of shareholders. If you want to see what happens when you take maximizing shareholder value to its logical extreme, I give you Facebook. Or, for that matter, Enron.

Joe Nocera, Bloomberg

Retrieved From

A Fraudulent Nobility Explodes Onto US Markets Demonstrating The Power Of Financial Terrorism

Remember the movie Jonah Hex? Think of the Kleptocracy Strategy to control the US economy as Quentin Turnbull with his nation killer weapon. The nation killer weapon worked by firing big cannonballs which later detonated after firing little orange balls. With every successful merger, acquisition and sale of fraudulent stock investment, picture a domestic enemy cannonball hammering the American Dream.

Domestic Terrorism Is Proof Of Kleptocracy Coup. Tweet Propaganda Becomes The “New Normal”

Picture Donald Trump on twitter, a modern day Quentin Turnbull, arrogantly tweeting in a continual stream. Every tweet hitting markets and driving stock investors toward or away from markets. These market steering propaganda tweets, sent investors into a feeding frenzy and the policymakers into confusion. Some of these policymakers of course were trying to establish order, others, perhaps those in on the grand collusion were busily taking advantage of the barrage of misinformation.

Q: How Do Leaders Condition Investors, Turning From Honorable Citizenship To Get Rich Quick? A: Pass SOX Act, Preach Legacy, ITIL Management, Mobile Apps For Trade And Gambling…

Now you may be able to understand the connection between the SOX Act, IT and grand collusion. Criminal leadership pocketing billions of dollars? Work the equation backward from the sale of the corporations, and it leads to leadership. Fluctuations created by misinformation? It’s really a thing; boom, and that is how Trump weaponized twitter. Result? A massive explosion of fraudulent wealth and a corresponding massive devastation to US policy and regulation, creating damage for millions of citizens.

Quinten Turnbull Gets Caught By His Own Detonator In DC Comic Short Film Jonah Hex Image retrieved from

Financial Terrorism Uses Hate Speech, Stupid Speech, And Civic Coups To Usher In “New Normal”

With every fiery orange tweet, Donald Trump or President Biden’s Outlandish speeches, the corporate run media is directing the final stages of the Kleptocrats market control plan. Scripted by criminal intelligence operatives masked as legitimate corporations, the conditioning damage was planned years ago and began through misinformation campaigns and hate speech and continued with divisive movements and attacks that played on our most sensitive civic sentiments; further creating a division and lack of public trust. This is textbook psychological warfare, played out on the unsuspecting Americans.

Public Figures In Collusion With Elite Criminals Coordinate Invasions As If The Invasion Were A National Declaration Of War Image downloaded from,t_content-image-desktop@1/v1642779431/259082_768_rgb.jpg

If any – any assembled Russian units move across the Ukranian border, that is an invasion…let there be no doubt that Russia will pay a heavy price

Joe Biden

Criminals In Leadership Rob Then Blame The Peoples Of Nations, Then Protect Elite Thugs

Imagine leaders who sell off corporations so you lose your job, steal your pensions, then stage an invasion and destroy your property, then tell you it was destroyed by a rogue militant, and finally tell you that you are going to pay a heavy price back to the criminal leaders. Actually that is happening now in Ukraine, and it is called kleptocracy. Joe Biden’s son Hunter is a known business associate to Russian oligarchs. Whether it is supposed to be Hunter Biden or Vladimir Putin in the above cartoon, we can be fairly certain it is a kleptocrat.

Q: Who Is A Kleptocrat? A: Any Person Regardless Of Citizenship Who Engages In Grand Collusion

Like the churches we grew up in, many organizations that cross national borders have agendas. A youth pastor spreading the gospel is an acceptable agenda practiced here in the US. What if that same youth pastor were also a Masonic Illuminate proselyte who was overheard at an after church meeting, that he plotted to over throw the US Financial system? Would we perhaps have found a wolf among the sheep? Actually we have policy makers who participate in scripting bills that are seldom read, who have not only openly spoken about their criminal plans, they sign them into law.

Will The Sarbanes Oxley Act Prove To Be The Most Effective Financial Terrorism Coup Ever Devised?

A member of an Orthodox faith who happened also to be a Rhodes Scholar co-developed the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Who but only a few people would be smart enough to know the SOX Act would become a key strategic policy deployed by domestic financial terrorists? Who would have known that many years later the SOX Act would prove to have severely damaged the US Economic Security by helping to launder dirty money, create the present IT market bubble, create a false shareholder economy, build a new class of Super Elites, and ultimately devastate the public trust?

Karl Wimmer Cartoon Retrieved From

Double Bubble Edged Swords: How Financial Terrorism Steers Markets Toward IT, Forcing Corporations To Spend On IT, Driving Profit Focus Away From Production Of Goods And Services

SOX Act strategically drives the focus of all departments in any corporation toward the efficient reporting of the quarterly statement. Sounds great, right? But in doing so drives both the expenditure and the management focus disproportionately upon IT management and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) management systems. This financial terrorism strategy born under the guise of protecting US citizens continues to work wonders to simultaneously build criminal wealth while it destroys the wealth and economy of the consenting governed.

Hands Free Driver Demonstrates Complete Lack Of Critical Thinking Korosec, K. (2021, September 29). GM is bringing its upgraded hands-free super cruise driving system to 6 vehicles in 2022. TechCrunch. Retrieved April 28, 2022, from 

The Power Of Propaganda; Driving Hands Free Steers The USA Toward IT Bubble Fraud Crash

For the super elites, the plan to “rock” the USA is ultimately power to crash and then control markets and thus control the people. The “Genius” of the criminal masterminds propaganda is also psychotic. We have supposedly intelligent consumers celebrating a decision to let a programmable machine drive hands free while they sing “We will rock you”. Propaganda made USA forget, “Both hands on the wheel”.

Trading Honor Of Moral & Ethical Leadership For A Mental Disorder We Should Classify As Digital Numerical Fixation (On Fraudulent Earnings That Induce Imbecilic & Insatiable Greed)

The honor of ethical leadership traded for a numerical fixation expressed in a digital readout? And so it is time for We The People to ponder these words of warning by Thomas Jefferson.

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them [the people] not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome direction, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.

“This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power”

– Thomas Jefferson

Patrick, S. (2013). Your Greatest Defense . In The know your bill of rights book (pp. 87–87). essay, Oculus Publishers. 

The Consenting Governed Fight Back With A 28th Amendment To Create The Authoritative Branch

Recommended for further reading

The 28th Amendment To The Constitution Of The United States of America – Working Draft

We The People: USA Superpower is Under Construction

About The Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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