🇺🇸 DAVE ’24: Congress! Stop School Shootings! How to Expose & Imprison Collusion Networks from Oligarchs to Senators to Mercenaries to…

Former US & UK, et. al Intelligence, Special Forces Operatives and Public Servants Not Satisfied with the Honor of Serving their Nations, Now Criminals, have taken their skills Experienced from your US and UK Tax Dollars, and Recruit and Train Broken People to Shoot our Children at School?

Really Mean Looking Dudes Represent For Hire Psychological Operators, Image Retrieved on February 15 from Screen Shot from a YouTube website found placed in my Subriptions feed called Ladiesman217♪ Trying to Scare Me? Pathetic

This is How School Shooting Operations Are Staffed

Some during and some after, when the glory of serving a nation falls to the allure of bloody contracts, a handful of the tens of thousands of Intelligence or Special Forces or other swear-in service folks, decide to go on the take. It happens. It’s a thing. And that’s how our kids are getting shot to pieces in school.

The UNCLASSIFIED Story of… Let’s Call Him the SNUFFY

September 1987, one year prior to receiving a recommendation to attend BUDS and five months after beating two US Navy SEAL teams in a Captains Cup Decathlon with only two other Divers, an UNCLASSIFIED message with orders to report to SEAL TEAM SIX came for me. I was interviewed and hired by a character I recall was an arrogant asshole. My duty for Development Group would start as a bag handler, but, the Special Operator door had opened up for me, and I walked in.

The rise of mercenaries is producing a new kind of threat—private war—that threatens chaos. It is literally the marketization of war, where military force is bought and sold like any other commodity. It is an ancient form of armed conflict that modern militaries have forgotten how to fight. Should this trend develop, the super-rich could become superpowers, leading to wars without states. In such a world, states would be mere prizes to be won rather than agents of their own destiny. 

Mercenaries and war: Understanding private armies today. National Defense University Press. (2019, December 4). Retrieved February 15, 2023, from https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Media/News/Article/2031922/mercenaries-and-war-understanding-private-armies-today/ 

Blackwater Assassins Trained By US Tax Dollars Protect Personal Interests of Domestic Terrorists?

Scahill, J. (2009, August 24). The nation: Blackwater: Cia assassins? NPR. Retrieved February 15, 2023, from https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112171638 

Development Group Door Slams Shut by a Friend, a Medal of Honor Winner named Mike Thornton

The door quickly closed for me as a personal friend and a national hero, Lt. Michael E. Thornton, US Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor winner, grabbed me by the throat and thrust me up over his head against the bulkhead as I was getting ready to pack my seabag and head to DEV GROUP.

Message Sent To USS Edenton ATS-1 Directing PH3 David Campbell to SEAL TEAM SIX

You‘re NOT going! I cancelled your orders. You’re NOT going to work for them. YOU’RE NOT GOING TO BE NO SEAL TEAM SNUFFY, Trust me you don’t want that. You want to be a SEAL then go through BUDS.

Lt. Michael E. Thornton US Navy SEAL & Congressional Medal of Honor – September, 1987 USS Edenton, ATS-1

US Navy Legend Upholds Honor, Courage and Commitment. US Leadership Must Uphold Public Trust to Inspire Bravery in our Military

Michael Edwin Thornton: Vietnam War: U.S. Navy: Medal of honor recipient. Congressional Medal of Honor Society. (n.d.-b). https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/michael-e-thornton accessed August 15, 2023

Spotting Operators, Understanding the Coverts and the Cover Ups; Discerning Who is Who

I was angry and disappointed but later on, realized Mike was looking out for me. I went on to become an Underwater Photographer, then volunteered to serve in Operation Desert Shield where I was chosen to accompany General Norman Schwarzkopf on a three day tour, among other duties documenting for the Joint Special Operations Command. There is a kindred spirit among people who serve for the love of country, one that cannot be bought. It is that powerful kindred spirit that protects our consenting governed citizenship and warns and protects us from losing our freedoms to greedy tyrants.

Use it or Lose it. We have the Power to Ethically Identify and Remove Financial Terrorists

Rebuild our Gross Domestic Product and our Public Trust. The CASH Initiative, right here on this blog, is where we start. Please get behind me, spread the word about the CASH Initiative and start supporting the projects now. Campaign Managers for Dave ’24 Write In Presidential Campaign Needed

USA Today Removed My Comment Regarding Michigan State University USA Shooting Victims

David Campbell Comment Posted On USA Today YouTube on February 15, 2023 Was Removed. Why? You Decide
Image Retrieved From Screen Shot Taken February 16, 2023

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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