We The People: USA Superpower is Under Construction

Photo By David Campbell

Welcome, and thanks for checking in! You’re invited now to bookmark and share our site. Come and see the projects we’ll have going on soon, and those which people all over the country are planning.

Democracy is alive and well. It’s under construction in your very brave and capable hands.

We believe our website will be the preferred place to start a project in your community. Soon you’ll be able to get it planned, staffed, and funded all from this convenient site, through the cooperation of other community members who will reach out and get involved. Here, for free, you can either lead your own project or help another with your passion or expertise.

Be a force toward rebuilding the America we all love. If you have major concerns in your heart for America, then please join us. Start your bill-writing or business project today!

Dave Campbell, Founder of Cash Initiative

In the coming months, as the CASH Initiative begins to take shape with the help of thousands of Americans from all walks of life, you will see an amazing resurgence of spirit and energy.

Putting the agency back in the hands of the people is the best solution to our current national issues. The government only functions by the consent of We, the People. Thus, we are the truest authority in the United States. The core purpose of the CASH Initiative is to help facilitate and re-ignite the American dream. 

Photo Courtesy USS Edenton ATS – 1 “The Three”
US Navy Divers who defeated two US Navy SEAL Teams in a friendly Captains Cup Competition at NAB Little Creek, VA. 1987

Honor, Courage and Commitment

We need to get people working side by side on solutions.  It is our hope that the CASH Initiative will be the launch site for hundreds if not thousands of new projects. All the projects will belong to the people of America; full of dignity, liberty, and pride in one another, standing united as one.

Here is an Executive Summary of the CASH Initiative

The CASH Initiative is a community action forum enabling citizens to form policies by which they are governed and to establish the commercial enterprises where they can work toward a higher standard of living. Self-directed project development opportunities are designed and led by you.

Projects range from financial matters such as developing a new stock exchange; to legislative matters such as voter participation and bill-drafting; to manufacturing projects such as tug and barge fabrication; and even creative projects such as cultural celebrations.

The CASH Initiative also facilitates a common platform for civic leaders, first responders and the general public to accelerate cooperative efforts in meeting homeland security objectives in the community. CASH forums are to be scheduled to coincide with community events in order to inform, train, and recruit citizens to prepare for a natural or terror-related disaster.

The CASH Initiative also offers a forum for recruiters from colleges, military reserves, police, hospitals, and charitable organizations to fill local, state-level, or federal positions.

How the CASH Initiative works

  1. Begin social media distribution immediately. Contact key academic, business, governmental, and religious leaders. Contact angel investors and corporate or private investors. Forward this CASH document to any other relevant leaders and organizations.
  2. Decide on a project. Familiarize yourself with the website. Register your community project online at cashinit.com. Begin public service announcements. Get the people engaged.
  3. Determine dates and location. CASH is a long-term program. Your community may end up with several projects, so plan for rotation of speakers for the forum events throughout the year. Coordinate speakers, workshops, and human resource personnel.

Responses to the CASH Initiative to date

The initial interest level was very high. Comments from civic leaders, first responders, and leaders from Congress and the military indicate a growing need for this type of program. For more information contact David Campbell at (231) 360-8704 and dcampbellworks@gmail.com. Website currently under development.

An Note of Support for the CASH Initiative from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Video Funcle Speaks: Face the Superpower by Chris Ellis

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Learn more at Dave Campbell Shorts: Knowledge Leadership


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