4 Questions & Michigan’s Dave Campbell (Who?) Rises to President of the United States of America

  1. How Transnational Kleptocracy gets Ousted – Republican Leaders Grope for Ethics Reform
  2. Why We the People Becomes a Branch of the US Government – America Secures Public Trust
  3. Where do Leaders Turn After Dismantling ITIL/SOX Grand Collusion – Worker Owned Commerce
  4. When did Running for US President become a Global Campaign – Need for Global Common Law

Ethical Precedents and Presidents Proven True are Honored by Brave and Free Americans

Photo by David Campbell

How US/Transnational Kleptocracy gets Ousted? Republican Leaders Grope for Ethics Reform

The United States of America has over 300 million people using smart phones. In a few days time, the stench of death will saturate American nostrils; we paid for the death of children in the Congo, and we paid for the invasion of Ukraine, unknowingly until now. Grand Collusion, the lure of free money, has now saturated our systems, all commercial, governance and academia, with blood money.

Criminal intelligence tactics that work in Banana Republics, have undergone epic failure in the USA because Americans are not used to oppression; instead, we are adept at asking questions. A transnational kleptocracy has been working systemically to corrupt financial systems.

Just in time came their SOX Act to accelerate the systemic laundering of blood money; what appeared to be a valid regulatory act designed to prevent fraud, instead accelerated it by creating both a market for skewed reporting followed by ITIL management forcing a closed loop, flesh eating bacteria, that quickly consumes the health and safety of the US GDP free market economy and devastates Public Trust.

Americans realize today that this tiny segment of our population, these elitist criminals, in whom we also place our public trust, our “smartest guys in the room”, got another one over on US. Fool me twice, and yep, shame on US. But now America is aware of what they do and who they are. What they do is called grand collusion, who they are is called transnational kleptocrats. They hire mercenaries to attack tax payers to further steer markets; truly a domestic financial terrorist organization imbedded within and infecting our oath sworn leadership.

Republicans appear to have the worst culprit, a former US President. But as investigations will be discovering for years ahead, grand collusion’s easy money infects greedy people from all walks of life. Many will pay with a walk of shame. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has a serious obligation to present a candidate who is worthy of leading the people with ethics, and I am here to throw my hat in the ring, so that we can let Freedom Ring.

Why We the People Must Become a Branch of the US Government? America Secures Public Trust

Americans need an identity boost and we need it ASAP. As a US citizen I am offering a project to create a 28th amendment to create an Authoritative Branch of Government, representing We the People, as the first branch to precede the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our Government. Why?

To strike permanent, clear and immutable understanding that the identity of the United States citizen is a consenting governed identity consisting of four branches of government whereby the hallmark of our freedom from tyranny centers on the self evidence that all people are created equal, and the freedoms we enjoy are not to be diminished by oppressive abusers of the rule of law. 

Dave Campbell 2024 US President of the United States Hopeful

No citizen of the United States of America shall be considered inferior to any other citizen regardless of any demographic or implied positional authority.  Thus reaffirming the rights and privileges afforded the US Citizen are not undermined by the wealth or resources of any citizen over another. 

Kleptocracy is presently undermining the authority of We The People, the consenting governed, and poses the number one threat to the United States Of America by nature of domestic enemies operating in positions of leadership most notably in governance, commerce and academia.

Dave Campbell 2024 US President of the United States Hopeful

Where do Leaders Turn After Dismantling ITIL/SOX Grand Collusion? Worker Owned Commerce

As Congressional leadership recognizes the culpability of ITIL/SOX as both economic and national security risk, they will look for a solution that offers the most secure and expedient method of restoring public trust and our Gross Domestic Product economy. Here is what I offer the people:

When did Running for US President become a Global Campaign? Need for Global Common Law

When US Leadership recognized the need for establishing ethical common law that is recognized and instantly agreed upon by any citizen from any demographic in any nation. A law so powerful that elevates human value above all other resources. That law has been written and is awaiting accreditation from universities and governments all over the world.

The common law is called Regeneration Model, and I am the author. Get to know me by reading my blogs. Pass the word. Be responsible for your freedom. I offer peaceful ethical project development and you get to be in charge of you, as it should be in the United States of America. To maintain freedom and our power of consenting governance, We the People must now stand united and get engaged in ethical projects like these.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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