🇺🇸 Dave ’24 Statement of Intent to Lead We the People of the United States of America

Ethical, Innovative and Profitable US Presidential Calibre Leadership for Commerce, Governance and Academia will Restore Gross Domestic Product Economy & Public Trust

Image Downloaded on December 14, 2022 from https://t2conline.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/american-flag-2-800×600.jpg

🇺🇸 Dave ’24 Platform: To Restore Public Trust by 1 Investing In US GDP Economy 2 End Kleptocracy

Mount Rushmore National Park Memorial Presidents Theodore Roosevelt & Abraham Lincoln Photo by David Campbell

A Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy Driven By ITIL Management, SOX Act & Grand Collusion?

US Leadership crimes are often the work of foreign enemy intelligence. The J-6 committee is identifying domestic enemies and beginning to discover the extent of any systemic and systematic grand collusion leading to the insurrection and other acts of financial terror such as school shootings.

Open Your Eyes. Do You See What I See? US President Next? A Close-Up of Dave Campbell’s Resolute Eyes

Vision that Sees Bush’s War on Terror as the Beginning of the End for US Kleptocracy?

Yes, I call it Digital Numeric Fixation; US born citizens who denounce their own safety and/or oath of office to feed off contract investments and/or draft legislation to launder money. Identifiable leaders preferring to spend US resources designing ways to steal from the consenting governed who trust them.

The Three US Navy Divers who defeated Two US Navy SEAL teams in a Captain’s Cup Competition – Photo USS Edenton ATS-1 1987

Dave, You Expect US to Believe You? Nobody Trusts Politicians or Lawyers … Exactly, I’m Neither

This blog is designed to afford you the opportunity to explore my story and make your own decision about me. The blog is also for you to find out just who you are. Are you a consenting governed citizen who wants to feel proud of the USA? Launch your own projects from here. Get behind me here.

David J. Campbell founder of CASH Initiative Inc., Regeneration Model Inc., and Michigan Knowledge Exchange Inc. Age 58

🇺🇸 DAVE ’24 YouTube Channel Invites US and Global Leaders to Get to Know My Business Models

I intend to continue to make commercial, governmental and academic leaders aware of my work, and make myself available for presenting my concept models as a means of repairing the public trust and focusing on gross domestic product. I am interested in seeking the office of US President in 2024.

Explore the Blogs, Please Leave a Comment, and Pass the Word – Thanks! Recommended on Blog:

28th Amendment Draft for Authoritative Branch

Four Tier Accounting Project

The Business Case for Public Trust

Annual World Wide Horse Race Project

Election Day Nov 8, 2022: Welcome to the Grand Collusion

MacAuthor Park Musical Theme Parks Project

Story Tellers Parts 1 – 5

Other Blogs & Dave Campbell YouTube Channel Videos:

Chris Ellis Unchained YouTube Video Featuring Dave Campbell as Funcle Speaks

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

This Land Is Your Land Song
Retrieved January 14, 2023 From https://youtu.be/WGKU8awk7Vg

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