CHOOSE: We the People or Digital Slave Trade

Is USA’s Public Trust Gross Domestic Product Economy being Looted by We… the Cowards?

USA Is Looking more like a Banana Republic: Yet to be Identified US Leaders have Tricked US Citizens into Paying for our own Indentured Servitude while we turn a Blind Eye to Human Trafficking

Campbell, D. J. (2023, July 28). 🇺🇸dave ’24 kids should make fun videos; your stock investments destroy their lives. YouTube.

Investors and Consenting Governed alike Unwittingly Contribute to Human Trafficking in the USA

The automotive, clothing, and construction companies are among those industries guilty of subjecting children to practices that are unethical, dangerous, and not meant to be performed by children younger than 18 years of age.  We call on all companies to stop their exploitation of children …

In the Christian Scriptures, in the gospels of Matthew and Mark, Jesus says, “Let the children come to me.” Children and adults are invited to come to Jesus because he is “the way, the truth, and the life.” … 

Dominican Sisters, Grand Rapids, March 2, 2023 Retrieved July, 29, 2023 from MI Spitler, S. (2023, March 2). DSGR statement child labor trafficking in Grand Rapids. Dominican Sisters.

Let the Children Come Unto Me? Criminal Leadership Swapping Ethics for SOX Act, ITIL & AI Turn Humans to Commodities

Paid for with Our Tax Dollars and Investments, once Ethically Legislated Systems Designed over many years to Nurture our Public Trust and Grow Our GDP Economy, have been Corrupted by Leaders of Commerce, Government and Academia. Our Corrupting Force is Personified here as a Ravening Antichrist; having Morphed from what was Good into a Global Representative of Delusion and Destruction. Not Feeding People, but Instead Engorging an Ever Valueless Digital Numeric Readout by Producing a Shareholder Value Economy that Can’t Satisfy its Indulgent Billionaires Image retrieved July 29, 2023 from Yahoo! (n.d.). Uncensored and “insane”: A look at openai’s Secret image generator. Yahoo! Finance.

By Design of Yet to be Identified Digital Tyrants, We the People have been Unwitting Servants to an International Digital Slave Trader Economy, Paying the Government and IT Companies to Enslave US

A systemic closed loop called ITIL management followed the SOX Act creating massive expenditure on IT systems upgrades required for reporting. Justified in the name of fraud prevention, ITIL replaced ethical best practices that once protected and encouraged public investments. With passage of the SOX Act, US Citizens were duped into a cleverly planned indentured servitude, essentially agreeing to give our wealth back to the very tyrants we defeated 247 years ago.

USA Has Already Proven Gross Domestic Product and Public Trust Economy is Superior to Shareholder Value and Billionaire Tyrant Economies, So Why are We the People after 247 Years Suffering Tyranny?

Trillion dollar spending bills driven by urgent request to address emerging threats and that bypass established authority is the work of tyrants. Financial outcome that favors the elite while diminishing the middle and lower class, and is accompanied by hyperbole, domestic terrorism and civic divide, is solid evidence of Grand Collusion.

From the Top of a Lonely Miserable Mountain, Super Elites of the USA Trade their Hearts for a Black Digital Readout not Worth the Cell Phone its Displayed on. Digital Numeric Fixation Kills Children

Campbell, D. J. (2022, January 20). Global Dave 🌍: Memorable expressions to diss kleptocracy & accelerate freedom YouTube.

If You, a Consenting Governed Citizen, Need Clarity on What is Happening to the USA, Why its Happening and How its Happening so Quickly, Read On…

The Goal of US Constitution is to confirm the Authority of We the People, to Establish Equality and to Raise our Children in Peace and Prosperity… Super Elites are now Killing Children with Our Money. So We have No More Time for Grand Colluding Elitists Who are Stealing Our Lives. Under My Watch, They are Going to GO!

Dave Campbell, US President Hopeful looking for Nomination July 30, 2023, at home in Michigan

And the Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders, Whose Shoulders? We the People, Baby!

Handel – Messiah – for unto us a Child is born (hq). YouTube. (2008, June 1).

The USA Needs Each One of US to Look at the Reason for the USA, Freedom of Our Children is the Only Answer that Makes Any Sense: to get Eyes OFF YOUR DIGITAL ACCOUNT, and GET EYES ON THE CHILDREN, to Ensure they Receive the Mantel of Leadership of a Free Society is UP TO YOU

For me, its become crystal clear, if I want the USA to represent the freedom of the people supported by a government that builds the Public Trust and the Gross Domestic Product I have to do it, and I need you to get behind me. No Presidential Candidate to date, has identified the appropriate solution except myself. So…

YOU CHOOSE NOW: 1. Freedom 2. Slavery

  1. Freedom The USA and Constitution, the Consenting Governed and Public Trust, a strong Gross Domestic Product Economy, Liberty, Justice and Peace, Honorable Leadership and Love of Neighbor
  2. Slavery The Digital Tyrants and Marshal Law, the Super Elite Wealthy and Inequality, a historically failed Shareholder Value Economy, No Freedom of Speech and War, Criminal Leadership and to hell with your neighbor

Call to Action Get Behind DAVE ’24

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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