CASH Initiative Introduces The MacArthur Park Musical Theme Parks Project Concept

To Celebrate Music, To Create Music, To Enjoy Music, To Get The People Of The United States of America Up and Dancing How To Plant Seeds For The Musical Theme Parks Ears please, you are listening to the first draft, a global introduction of MacArthur Park Musical Theme Parks. The concept has been top of …

Introducing The CASH Initiative Global Four Tier Accounting Project

Community Action Secures Homeland (CASH) Initiative – Takes Down Kleptocracy (Grand Collusion) And Restores Economic Security Through Ethical Accounting, Finance and Investment Identifying Financial Terrorism & Domestic Terrorists Buffalo’s recent mass killing, was it racism or domestic terrorism? Public officials Immediately declaring the shooting was a racist hate crime plays directly into the textbook strategy …

RED Alert! Kleptocrats Breach National Security! A 28th Amendment Restores Public Trust With An Authoritative Branch, Enabling Ethical Leadership

Self Disclosed Domestic Terrorists Called Kleptocrats Wage Market Warfare Using Leaders, IT Management & Laws Such As Sarbanes Oxley Act. Further, They Destroy Public Trust With The ‘Genius!’ Of Propaganda. America’s Creative Response Is The Fourth Branch : 1. Authoritative 2. Executive 3. Legislative 4. Judicial By David J. Campbell Kleptocracy Tyrants Created The Shareholder …

The 28th Amendment To The Constitution Of The United States of America – Working Draft

Written By David J. Campbell of Michigan  The 28th Amendment – Working Draft A Fourth Branch of Government, The Authoritative Branch, We The People, is to be established as the first branch of government, preceding the executive branch and completing a four part model of governance that calls for the identification of consenting governed citizens …

Let’s Put George Floyd On Mt. Rushmore And Set The First US Precedent, Equal Justice, In Stone

2020 witnessed an unprecedented number of civil outbreaks and deaths as a result of a rogue president and a political party desperate to uphold its secret, illegal ties to multinational thugs and money-laundering, tax-evading oligarchs.   Thanks to Tom Burgiss’ book, Kleptopia, the people of the United States and the world have an ever-sharpening picture of …

CASH Initiative

COMMUNITY ACTION SECURES HOMELAND A HOMELAND SECURITY PILOT PROGRAM FOR YOUR REVIEW Created by David J. Campbell BU2 (DV) USNR by direction July 2005 The C.A.S.H. Initiative facilitates a common platform for civic leaders, responders and the general public to accelerate cooperative efforts in meeting homeland security objectives in the community. The C.A.S.H. Initiative is a homeland security initiative that brings the …

We The People: USA Superpower is Under Construction

Welcome, and thanks for checking in! You’re invited now to bookmark and share our site. Come and see the projects we’ll have going on soon, and those which people all over the country are planning. Democracy is alive and well. It’s under construction in your very brave and capable hands. We believe our website will …