BIG GUN AC / Dave Campbell Introduces USA Right to Bear Arms National Marksmanship Challenge; Ready, Aim & Fire Financial Terrorists To End School Shootings

PH3 DV Campbell, David – USN Deep Sea Diver 1987 Med Cruise
USS Edenton ATS-1 Homeport NAB Little Creek, Virginia

My First Handgun? Israeli Military Industries .357 Magnum Desert Eagle

I still remember the look on the man’s face who opened the box at Jay’s Sporting Goods. He said, “Oh My God, will you look at that beast”. I had first seen a photo of the Israeli Military Industries Desert Eagle on the cover of Guns & Ammo magazine, and ordered it through Jays in Clare, Michigan. The best thing about the Desert Eagle, its weight; so emptying clips into the bullseye during rapid fire and not missing. These days I prefer to shoot my P226 Sig Sauer 9mm.

Image Downloaded On June 9, 2022 From

Friend Mark says to me, “Dave, I hate college” I said, “what do you want to do?” “Fly jets” he said. “Wait here” I had just bought a private pilot flight manual. I ran, grabbed it, looked him in the eye, put the manual in his hands and said, “Go fly jets”. He was gone the next day, went on to fly F-16s & C-130s for the US Air National Guard.

Dave Campbell – Originator, USA Right To Bear Arms National Marksmanship Challenge & Write In Candidate Hopeful

F-16 Fighter’s Gun System: 20 mm M61A1 Six-Barrel Gatling Gun

F-16 Fighter Jet Michigan Air National Guard Base
Media, A. D. (n.d.). Order of battle : 107th FS Michigan Air National Guard.
Retrieved June 12, 2022, from 

I quit CMU too and went to work for James Biggard Drilling, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Friend Steve asked one day out on the Triple, “What the hell you doin’ out here on these oil rigs, what do you really want to do with your life?” I said, “I want to dive.” “DIVE? GO JOIN THE NAVY!” I did. After a med-cruise serving as a deep sea diver, I received orders to the USN Underwater Photography Team. Later, volunteered for Operation Desert Shield, and there, served as a combat photographer, where I photographed joint special forces operations and also General Norman Schwarzkopf on three separate assignments.

Dave Campbell – Originator, USA Right To Bear Arms National Marksmanship Challenge & Write In Candidate Hopeful

M-1 Garand .30-06

G.I. Training With M-1 Garand 1952 Image: NARA
Laemlein, T. (2021, December 15). Everything you need to know about the M1 garand. The Armory Life.
Retrieved June 12, 2022, from 

In my opinion the M-1 Rifle is the greatest battle implement ever devised

General George S. Patton, January 1945

My Dad Taught Me Gun Safety & How To Hunt

I was very young, little more than age 6, when my Dad handed me his Rino Galesi Rigarmi Brescia side by side 12 ga. shotgun and said, “lets go shoot”. He taught me, “never take aim at anyone unless you mean to kill them” and “keep it pointed downrange”. We walked out to the back 64 acres in Freeman Township, Michigan. He showed me how one time. “Take aim, breathe, slack, squeeze… ” he threw a Coke can up high and let go a blast. Then he said, “David, its got a kick, so hold it tight to your shoulder”. A minute later I was on my ass. My shoulder on fire. “Good shot, son”. He took me hunting that winter. Trudging through the deep snow barely keeping up, tired and sweaty, boots trying to walk off my feet, I hear a blast, I look up to see a white rabbit on a dead run 30 yds away and stopped it.

Good shot, son

Patrick W. Campbell January 1971

A cupola operator at General Motors Nodular Iron Plant, Saginaw, Michigan, my Dad, Patrick Wilford Campbell born September 8, 1937, was best shot all Army at 600 yds. At that time, he was the only enlisted shooter on a team of officers who traveled around the country. “We wore leather jackets, got to travel, it was a lot of fun”. I often asked for him to show me that card again. He pulled the small deteriorating card out of his wallet.

I carry my USN Diver First Class card in mine. Nobody asks, but I pull it out often to remember just how good life used be in America, a time when leaders valued the people. Today, it’s increasingly clear to me that our governance and commercial leaders value money far more than they value the consenting governed citizens of the United States of America for whom they took an oath and by whom they get paid to serve.

Domestic Financial Terrorists Profile Shooters And Plot School Killings, Then Kill The Shooters

The USA is under attack. Any military person, retired or active knows the signs of domestic terrorism. A growing number of our leaders are taking their eyes off national security and instead are focused on dirty money.

Relationship Between Government Contractors, School Shootings and Fraudulent Wealth

In the USA, our government has been slowly overrun by private contractors who promise to be more cost effective or efficient, but have no allegiance to the people of the USA, rather only to their paychecks and their investments. I have personal experience working for such a contractor that I will share in another article regarding a company called World Wide Language Resources.

Many Contractors And Corporations Demonstrate No Allegiance To The United States Of America

The result is a duality of purpose in how government business is run. The United States government DOES NOT operate for profit and loss, it operates to serve the consenting governed in a manner that upholds justice, and historically, proven trustworthy ethical best practices. Private contractors have no allegiance to the oath of service. A perfect example of this phenomenon is the recent movie called the Contractor starring Chris Pine. This movie demonstrates a picture of corrupted leaders who hire private firms to kill people whose objectives run counter to their financial plans.

The Contractor’s Big Money Over Ethics Dynamic Increases Risk, Loss, Body Count & Prison Time

The Contractor’s Former Army Ranger James Harper Played By Chris Pine With Glock 17 Gen. 5
Paramount Pictures STX Films. (2022, April 1). The contractor. IMDb. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from 

Those private contractor leaders who mock government workers based on performance metrics that devalue entire value chains and conduct business illegally have no right to mock and far less to maintain positions in the administration or lobby for political leadership of government business.

Those who abandon oath of office and abuse their positions for personal gain must be identified and prosecuted by law. This marksmanship program will include a justice system makeover that is proactive, trustworthy and legitimately American.

Rising Billionaires, Rising Crime, Increased School Shootings Is No Coincidence Rather Its A Pattern Of Government Takeover By An Elite Criminal Network Called Kleptocracy

Most civilians also can figure out the shootings have a one to one relationship to the rising number of new US millionaires and billionaires. How did all this “new normal” misinformation our military trained personnel used to call propaganda and psychological warfare become increasingly more common? Ask the billionaire government contractor who shot his friend in the face. Everyone with a cell phone is catching on to how government contracting has turned many leaders into kleptocrats. But if you don’t know, ask Dick Cheney, William Barr, Joe Biden or Vladimir Putin.

If that offends you, stop while you’re ahead cuz you’re not gonna like the rest of this. If not, gather ’round.

We have to design/build a national program open to all kids that teaches legal rights, personal responsibility, gun safety, teamwork, physical fitness and marksmanship where kids can get excited about competitive marksmanship for ribbons and trophies. Built on the MLB recruiting model, means great depth and community buy-in to support the up and coming talent. With opportunity to train, compete and advance, young marksman and markswomen can join progressively more skilled teams and compete at higher levels from junior high school to college, semi pro and professional leagues.

Dave Campbell

Major League Baseball Detroit Tigers v Los Angeles Angels – Comerica Park

David Campbell (Left) Sings National Anthem With Joint Services Choir At Comerica Park, Detroit, Mi
Tigers v Angels Image Source Personal Photo Photographer Unknown

How To Turn Public Sentiment Toward 2nd Amendment Rights? Become A Straight Shooter

Upholding 2nd Amendment rights to me is very clear – I have to lead the way. I took an oath of service to my country others have cashed in on. I have not cashed in on my oath to serve the people of the United States. I have to run for office and stir up the hearts of good men and women to get the people feeling united again.


US Presidential Calibre Leadership

The Lincoln Memorial In Washington, DC. Samual Corum Getty
Citation Cribb, J. (2021, April 13). Lincoln deserves our gratitude, not the label ‘racist’. USA Today. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from 

Lincolns Choice – The Spencer Seven Shooter Repeater

Lincoln hated war, his extended hand, appearing thumbs down in the above photo, assures me he is looking downrange at kleptocracy in disapproval of the rising death count and continued threat of school shootings. During Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, he mourned over the rising death count, but as he may have grieved, he searched relentlessly for ways to end the conflict. Needing to find an advantage, Lincoln looked to innovation and tested the Spencer repeater. After firing the first round low, Lincoln fired the next five rounds, one into the bullseye and the others very close to it. Then handed Spencer back his gun.

Michigan’s 5th & 6th Calvary Carried 500 Spencer Repeaters In The Gettysburg Campaign
Image Downloaded from Unknown. (n.d.). Repeating rifles of the Civil War. Rock Island Auction Company. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from 

Now we will see the inventor try his luck!

Well, you are much younger than I am, have a better eye and steadier nerve.

President Abraham Lincoln, August 1863

Federal Reserve Chairman More Powerful Than US Presidents? Shootings Planned By Financial Terrorists? Like Empty Brass Reveals Smoking Guns, Dirty Money Leaves A Trace

Warfare and terrorism is strategized through intelligence, not guns, but financial terror? Sounds like Amazon Primes’s Jack Reacher series. Guns don’t think, people do. To identify domestic criminal intelligence operators who are profiling troubled teens and turning them into killers, you only have to work backwards from the shootings to see who is benefitting from the terror operations. For every network connection that benefits a criminal, there are conversations where money was exchanged. These exchanges are just like the empty casings of enemy rounds fired. For me, its clear to see all the brass casings and blowing smoke lead back to US kleptocracy.

Reacher Racks A Brushed Chrome Mark XIX .44 Magnum Desert Eagle Then Hunts The Bad Guys

Jack Reacher Played By Alan Ritchson Heads Out To Uncover The Federal Reserve’s Laundering Problem
Amazon Original Series. (2021, December 2). Reacher – official trailer | new English series | Alan Ritchson | amazon prime video. YouTube. Retrieved June 11, 2022, from 

Americans Get Fired Up About Right To Bear Arms National Marksmanship Challenge

My answer to US domestic terror is deploying superior strategy that is built on an ethical foundation, communication and lawful prosperity for every American. Every monetary transaction traceable. Like tracer rounds lighting the way for well placed financial decisions. For those of us over 55, we did not get to enjoy reaching our senior years by knowingly allowing criminal activity to flourish. We did not realize government and commercial leaders were colluding to overthrow our once global standard and excellent USD currency rating and our superior regulations and laws for blood money.

Your 401K Is Tainted With Blood, Oligarchs Crimes Consist of Murder, Not Just Human Trafficking

Sorry to be the bearer of gloom, but most stock investments are now mixed with ungodly crimes and dripping in bloody money. How do you like your E-Trade App now? In the USA and globally, technology is a misnomer, it is a word abused by crafty criminals and further hyped by brazen greed. Every fraudulent expenditure on IT technology that is diminishing the expenditure on needed technology innovations across all markets is weaponry, not technology. In the recent movie Top Gun Maverick, Top Gun pilots and superior aircraft were disdained as a thing of the past by USN Admiral “Hammer” Cain, played by Ed Harris, who was apparently awash in the ITIL management hype. Admiral Cain was depicted to have lost sight of the Navy mission, to prepare men and women in defense of the United States, not to fatten up a personal investment portfolio nor rely on unmanned toys.

“Rooster” Played By Miles Teller Looks Back From F-14 Tomcat To See Superior Technology SU-57 Russian Fighter Jet Closing In
Image Credit Screen Shot YouTube Orr, B. C. (2022, June 11). Why Russia’s su-57 felon is no F-22 or F-35. 19FortyFive.
Retrieved June 13, 2022, from 

This is evidence that I’m not the only person on earth who sees how our military is being compromised by private contractor and shareholder investment hype to the detriment of our national security. Bravery, courage, and innovation is what drives American passion and profitability; in planes its the pilot in the seat, and on the battlefield, it’s the soldier on the ground that determine victory.

20 Years Before Orion Pictures Released Navy Seals, US Navy SEAL Team One Arrives In Vietnam

Michael E. Thornton, SEAL Team One Holds USN Mk 23 5.56 mm Light Machine Gun (Stoner 63) 1970 Vietnam
Image Retrieved On June 10, 2022 From

“Petty Officer Campbell, come shoot this m60.” I did not hesitate “Yes Sir” and so fired a few rounds at a target buoy, missing a few feet to the right. I handed the unmounted ships m60 back to him, and he peeled off 5 rounds and did not miss. Every time I saw my Diving Officer back in those days, my heart filled with pride, I stood taller. To have served for two years aboard the USS Edenton with a Medal of Honor winner, a national hero, who saved his commanding officer’s life in battle, is something I will always believe was an experience sent to me from God. Mike Thornton lives his oath to country; his aura and tone are of pure truth. You follow men like that.

Not A Navy SEAL, Cast As An Extra Dave Campbell Falls In The Mud (X2) During Filming Of Orion Pictures Navy Seals
Orion Pictures. (1990, July 20). Navy seals. IMDb. Retrieved June 11, 2022, from 

Timestamp :26 Dave Campbell Falls In The Mud. Fall Down, Get Back Up Again, And Run

When Orion Pictures came to NAB Little Creek to capture scenes for the movie Navy Seals with Charlie Sheen, I was there too, stationed with the US Navy Underwater Photography Team. I caught Hollywood fever and went down to talk to an extras caster and got permission from my Chief to represent the US Navy Divers. The rest of the extras in this scene, shown in the screen shot above, were mostly US Navy SEALS. The man I was carrying was a Messing Specialist MS1 aboard the Edenton, whom I had served with prior. When I saw he too had somehow gotten himself to the set, I yelled, “Man, I’m carrying you in this scene.” We both laughed and he agreed and we had our 15 seconds of fame.

Would Grand Colluding Criminals In Governance & Commerce Take Part In Riddling Our School Children With AR-15 Bullets? Would A US President Raid The Capitol To Stop Election Validation?

The only way to stop financial terrorism is to identify the growing crime of collusion for what it truly is, KLEPTOCRACY, and then investigate all the shareholder related private contractor crimes that appear to be in any way related. Historically, grand collusion is accompanied by misinformation, billion and now trillion dollar acts that favor corporations and include misappropriations.

Hype, Misinformation, Rising Crime, School Shooting and Snap Judgments All Point To Terrorism

When a government official makes an open misjudgment before a crime scene has been investigated, especially a statement that charges “racially motivated” or “hate crime” or “mentally disturbed” to a dead shooter, that is either a major blunder by the official or it is a statement scripted by the perpetrators of the crime to distract investigators from seeking alternative motives. With a rising number of school shootings – or public slayings – it becomes more evident that criminal intelligence related to kleptocracy is likely. Why? Such events play into a psychological warfare playbook. A financial terrorist uses events to condition public sentiment. Can you think of a long term objective for an enemy of the United States to try to disarm the citizens?

Oath Of Service, Consenting Governed Status, Awareness of Enemy And Strategic Intelligence

General Norman Schwarzkopf Image Downloaded June 13, 2022 From–united-states-army-norman.jpg

WRITE IN Dave Campbell Just Painted The Targets. Lets Clear Up Your Vision A Bit More

It was my incredible honor to have personally photographed General Norman Schwarzkopf, and just now as I type this, I feel his warmth and presence looking down upon me from heaven. Just as he smiled at me each time I photographed him. He had a way of reassuring his troops with his heart.

We flew north from a forward operating base in three Black Hawk Helicopters and then piled into Suburbans. The drivers sped over the flat but rough desert terrain maintaining 70-80 mph. My cameras, one affixed with a 600 mm lens tried very hard to fly out the window as my back side bounced violently and repeatedly off the rear bench of that Suburban. As we arrived at the first stop we approached an abandoned jeep just south of the Kuwaiti border. The jeep appeared to be covered in mud, but unusually, the mud and chunks of debris were in the interior, stuck to the windows. Walking up to the Jeep striding side by side with General Schwarzkopf, we noted a single hole from a sniper round had entered the rear window. Judging from the location of the exit point in the front windshield the round had traveled through the drivers head. It wasn’t mud after all that covered the windows, it was dried blood, brains and fragments of hairy scalp.

The aura General Schwarzkopf put off was tangible at 50 feet. As a combat photographer all my footage went to the Pentagon. Today, it is my writing that is headed to the Pentagon. Tomorrow, with your help in passing along my writing, I’ll be going there in person to represent you.

My love for the people of the United States, my oath to defend against enemies foreign and domestic, and my superior ability to thwart criminal intelligence, continually advises my actions to develop a write in campaign for governor of Michigan in 2022 and US President in 2024. When you do your research into my CASHINIT.COM, MII-KE.COM and REGENERATIONMODEL.COM websites, you will see a globally minded business posture, operational superiority for building a value chain capable of regenerating a super power economy, and the ability to identify and then peacefully and lawfully deter elite criminals. Together with the support of the consenting governed people of the United States and ethical leaders around the world.

David Campbell

Are You Pulling The Trigger On Your Neighbors?

America, every time you use your finger to purchase fraudulent stock, you are pulling the trigger along with the school shooters, enriching the criminal elite shareholder value economy and dividing America in an economic political divide designed by foreign and domestic enemies.

You may well have been doing this unwittingly until now; destroying the US economy one click at a time. If you respond, “well, that is technology, Dave, the rest get left behind” I will leave you to assess your own character, but I’m guessing you are on the road to becoming a gutless criminal imbecile, just like the criminals who planned this financial chaos. You may have money now, but you are killing the US economy and value chain. Many super rich are buying shelters. Digging their own graves. Don’t be a fool like them, be a brave and free American. Fight for the USA.


AC/DC Big Gun Image Downloaded On June 16, 2022 From


You want to keep your guns, America? Stop cowering to propaganda and criminals. Identify the criminals through ethical law writing. USA Right To Bear Arms National Marksmanship Challenge is a project now available for comment on this website. Please comment below and advise me of your expertise. You are welcome to project develop any aspect of this program with nationwide assistance.

If you are an investor and want to help build this program, contact me through email.

Step 1 is you read this and pass it on. Step 2 is creating awareness of my write in candidacy strategy. Let’s take this concept NATIONALLY now. Step 3? Believe your freedom requires your action, not your pointing fingers at your neighbor for being in a political party you aren’t in.

UNITE. Get projects started that join us together working to beat back these domestic terrorists LAWFULLY and PEACEFULLY through ethical project development.

About The Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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