Michigan’s Write In Governor & USA Presidential Candidate Hopeful 2022 & 2024 Presents Global 10-Minute Address To Defeat Financial Terrorism

The Divine Delivers LP 5 DM Dual Palmed Simian, Pisces & Vedic Aquarian With A BC Full Of Earth & Fiery Planetary Assist
David Campbell, Age 58 Born 10:15 AM, March 9, 1964, Genesee County, Flint Michigan, USA – Former US Navy Deep Sea Diver

Had Enough Of New Normal & Bad Karma? Introducing Dave Campbell

Here’s your AHA opportunity, America. Refuse this inevitable AHA moment from me, that’s on you. Not my goal to offend anyone unless you support grand collusion and by default, domestic terrorism. If you knowingly support criminals in high places, or if you continue to buy into fraudulent shareholder value economy (SVE), you are hereby on notice of your upcoming public humiliation. Kleptocracy and domestic terrorism is traceable and so time to turn on the lights.

Shame will be soon be replacing fame for commercial, governance and academic leaders on the take, and those who have reached billionaire status unlawfully, payback time gonna suck for you. The blood of innocents is on your hands. Old Normal says wealth is earned through ethical best practices, not killing children to steer market sentiment and drive propaganda in the USA. We are under attack.

My Sincere Condolences To The Families Who Lost Children In These Shootings. My Sincere Warning To America: We Are Under Attack By Domestic Terrorists & Identifiable US Kleptocracy

Uvalde School Shooting Was This Tactical Operation A Criminal Intelligence Plotted Act of Domestic Terror? Photo Courtesy Jacobo, J. (2022, May 28). Uvalde School Shooting Timeline: How Deadly School shooting unfolded. ABC13 Houston. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from https://abc13.com/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-massacre-timeline-robb-elementary/11901101/ 

Yet To Be Identified DNC/GOP & Criminal Commercial Leaders Raking In On The Peoples Taxes

Who gave me the authority to make the above statements? US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The same authority you have as a consenting governed citizen. Some of the greedy imbeciles we elected have decided to reject their oath of office, devalue the constitutional rights of the people and go for oligarch blood money mixed in IT bubble fraud and laundered in minty fresh SOX brand laundry detergent. That was a really bad idea. Dealing with murderers gets people killed. You same imbeciles, clever Rhode scholar intelligence masterminds who figured nobody would understand how Sarbanes Oxley Act would hide financial and management manipulation and weaponize AI to create the IT bubble market? Here to tell you; bad idea. Now you are caught. Your best option now? Repent. Payback. Make repairs.

Evidence of Financial Domestic Terrorism is Mounting As Criminal Billionaires Destroy US Markets

Mussolini hung upside down. Bloody Mary got a guillotine. History shows the leadership who disregard common law and steal from the people eventually face a just reward. Before the US kleptocracy and their rising click billionaire nobility shove down We The People with any more BS “new normal” “great reset”, school shootings or Capitol riots, or lock down propaganda, consider you have an honest candidate who can rally the ethical leaders to drive out the criminals in 2022 & 2024 with your help. I plan on taking the entire remaining population with me in a landslide victory for the America we love. Land of the Brave, Home of the Free. Here is my evidence of honest and ethical leadership.

Evidence of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Bill Writing & Commercial Projects For The People

Dave Campbell’s Three New Michigan Based Corporations In Development Each Designed To Engage USA Citizens
In Ethical Project Development – Nationwide Collaboration And Investment Is In Your Hands
click on links below to explore each site

True Americans Develop Ethical Projects Openly VS Insider Investors Who Support Domestic Terror

In the USA, there is presently a willful ignorance because this reality of domestic terrorism is hard to believe. But others who know damn well what is happening in the USA remain silent, AND worse, criminal minds who take full financial advantages of the crimes that drive criminal intelligence planned and tactical school shootings where the shooter is killed before he can be questioned – thinking nobody will ever know – or they imagine – I’ll be long gone before this ever gets out. Wrong. Criminal intelligence operators profile people to determine who can become a shooter, and so troubled adolescents are targeted to become killers. All this drives anti gun sentiment, which works to devalue 2nd Amendment rights. Make no mistake, there is big money riding on every shooting. US Kleptocracy leaders who pretend innocence are tied to bloody oligarch murderers as are academic leaders via a network of public officials on the take. The story of the timeline above? Read it for what it is. Whistle blowers time to spill your guts. If you are in on the death of children, you are a murdering treasonous imbecile. Your bad karma is upon you.

GOP Refused To Invite Me To Speak, But I Believe A Global Audience Is Eager To Learn About Dave Campbell. Why? Global Public Awareness Of Kleptocracy & Ethical Best Practices Are Needed To Replace Criminal Despots From Doing Any More Damage To The US And Global Economy. Please Pass The Word

How to lead the USA out of a severe global issue called kleptocracy? You have answers and a potential candidate willing to lead, capable of creating and scaling the USA’s economy rapidly by meeting the growing needs of many markets left wide open from the disastrous mismanagement of our current commercial and governance leadership. We all know that market demand is the way to free market economy. With your help, I can lead us back to full strength rapidly and honestly and defeat the kleptocracy through your ethical bill writing and commercial projects leadership. So now please hold on to that thought, we’re going to do a quantum leap over to astrology.

The Power of Self Governance & The Consenting Governed Is Demonstrated In Astrology

In 2022 I became so frustrated with our leaders, academic, governance and commercial leaders. How could the USA, built on trust in our neighbors and ethical best practice based leadership, be falling to criminals? Everywhere I worked since 2010, there were growing incidents of criminally influenced managers asking me to compromise my ethics or outright break a law. Retail, Insurance, and Government too? Yes.

Over 30 Years Criminal Intelligence Activity Has Replaced Ethical Best Practices Driving The Ease Of Stealing From Legitimate Value Chains, Diminishing Markets, Creating The Shareholder Value Billionaire Economy – Managers Remain Quiet – They Got Paid – They Shut Up – So Cowardice Has Replaced Many US Brave Men In Leadership.

When it took over a year battling with Michigan Unemployment for a legitimate claim, Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency used tactics to try to trick me to file a false statement, then delayed and sent confusing documents, wiped my account online, and basically denied the claim several times and tried to not pay, even after a favorable adjudication by a judge. Many of the same tactics I have seen deployed by insurance companies as a claims adjuster, were being used on me, I had enough. I did not allow false tactics on the claims I processed, so I was keen to spot the fraud when deployed by Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency. What is wrong with my country? I could no longer deny that corner cutting cowards on the take are replacing good managers who used to uphold ethical best practices.

Your Word And A Handshake Has Been Replaced With A Contract And A Lawsuit? Pathetic Cowardice Encourages The Rhode Scholar Criminals – Won’t Mom Be Proud?

I have always worked to uphold the entire value chain, supporting all people in the value chain, that is the way to preserve industry credibility. That is how I came up with my business models, I produced results that brought not only working capital but long term business associations held together on a handshake. That is what the criminals do not understand. With each act of crime, the market need for rebuilding value chains and GDP production increases. But with each criminal act that is thwarted, criminal intelligence works to increase their knowledge of the legislative and judicial system to “win” a case, “steal” an election, “legislate” market advantages or “justify” grand collusion. Answer? Ethical project development on a massive national scale. Put a check in the box. Did your governor or US Presidential candidate create an innovative plan to regain your wealth, or are they integrated with the kleptocracy on some level?

Johnny Cash, Depeche Mode And Jesus Christ’s Birthday Presents Wrapped in Astrology Charts

Tarot and astrology point to the dynamic between self and society – especially where people agree on ethical ways to get stuff done, or not. You are free to believe as you like. Me? I refused tarot and astrology all my life until two years ago in 2020, that’s when I had a Johnny Cash Moment.

There is a song by Johnny Cash called “When the Man Comes Around” In that song, Johnny recites Revelation Chapter 1 saying: “I heard a voice that said, come and see, and I saw”… when I heard God say “listen to her”, her being a tarot reader in my YouTube feed, my first response was awe hell no. Second time, there was no politeness in the still small voice, so I did… and I saw. It’s that day in June I had my Aha moment regarding tarot and astrology.

Johnny Cash Performs When The Man Comes Around And Martin Gore’s Personal Jesus In American IV.
Both Songs Depict Two Main Aha Moments Accompanying Aspects Of Self Governance – Individual and Societal
Image Downloaded June 1 2022 from https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/ar0/df687b9f01e138ac58ec071eef3663a0.jpg

Before that moment, I would ignore the many astrology references in the King James Version of the Bible, which is obviously immersed in astrology references. Now I can tell you without blinking that Jesus’ birthday presents were wrapped in astrology charts. Johnny performs Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus written by Martin Gore, a song that can shake a person’s faith, but awakens that same person to the need for self governance, for everyone.

For me, When The Man Comes Around is talking about having an Aha moment. That moment when we realize, hey wait a minute, if it was up to me, nobody else to blame, and I had to save the world, how would I go about it. Revelation’s AHA puts us in touch with self governance. And so a tarot deck and astrology chart opens the door to individual in society dynamic and is a discipline, though yet unrefined and underdeveloped as a global source of wisdom to Americans, is globally accepted as valid. We create hell or heaven on earth. Welcome to adulting as a consenting governed.

Three Kings Of Orient Following A Star To The New Born King Photo Downloaded From https://abc7amarillo.com/resources/media/5bbda69c-8759-432e-bfed-0cbca8994c31-wisemenstar.jpg?1445520565815

All Power Is Given To Me In Heaven And Earth? Jesus Writes Mercy In The Sand? Does Your AHA Moment Regarding Self Governance Qualify You To Be Jesus Body? Vishnu’s Avatar? Consenting Governed Citizen of the USA? Do You Get To Write Your Own Laws Now? Yep. See it?

Knowledge of astrology led three oriental kings to the baby Jesus. Isn’t Jesus’ second coming, much like Vishnu’s 10 Avatar, Kalki, who is depicted like Jesus to hold a sword and ride a white horse upon his return? Sorry if you cannot yet see that Justice is the sword and the white horse represents the White House, or your habitation, your own flesh and bones wielding the knowledge of the cosmos. Asteroids do not lie.

The Kingdom Of God At Hand Is The AHA Moment of Aquarian Age. Now Is The Time To Become Seff Governed and A Consenting Governed. Let Your Guiding Light Be Human Nurture, Not Murder

The return date of Kalki, like Jesus’, is not known? Nope, until it is known; It’s reserved for your AHA moment. When you become his body. Modern theologians need to catch on to allegory. No Man Knows. Hmmmmm. Who is No Man? AHA! See it? Could no man be your shadow side? When you wrestle with self restraint? Ohhhh?

So if you believe I’m implying that Jesus is not real, you’d be wrong, I have had many encounters with the spirit of Christ and have actually seen Jesus Christ in a vision. But that does not prevent me from realizing that astrology predates religions.

The First Of Seven Visions – Dave Campbell Shorts Knowledge Leadership

Stargazers from many different lands began to etch what they witnessed from the heavens and natural world, in stone or on cave walls. Symbology and meanings were agreed on long before any nation shaped an alpha-numeric system. Stone-etched expressions predate religion and law. By faith we are “his body” which can easily be translated as we have a mutual understanding we are members of the tribe. Before people could speak, even by grunting consent, We The People was a thing.

By virtue of Christ’s blood, and by virtue of scientific proof, the entire human race is of a common blood. Jesus words, “I said ye are gods” is just one of many concepts relating to attaining wisdom that began to introduce self governance. Christians need to see that word christian also just about spells Anti-Christ. Like the yin and yang of Taoism, the Jesus and Satan dynamic represents your opportunity for considering self management as passed down by teachers in a Goldilocks zone where society depends on and highly values people for constructing doctrines that can build safe and prosperous nations.

And what is common law, but warning of bad that happens when you don’t do what is commonly accepted? So for me, my understanding of allegory and symbology used to emphasize the dynamic of individual in society is accelerated in studying tarot and astrology. Not advising you to join a cult, just asking you to realize your religion is formed of ancient etchings and stories shared by stargazers, soothsayers and seers who grunted and pointed before they could speak. If common sense is blasphemy, what does that tell you about your religion? Maybe It lacks your holy interpretation?

Can You Make The Case In The USA, Allegorically or Literally, that Hinduism’s Kalki Is The Judeo Christian Jesus?
Photo Downloaded on June 2, 2022 from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Kalki_Avatar_by_Ravi_Varma.jpg/800px-Kalki_Avatar_by_Ravi_Varma.jpg

Legacy Preachers Encourage Investment in Stock System As Proof Of Kingdom Of God, And Members Unwittingly Fund The Damage Of The US Economy At The Cost Of Their Neighbor’s Livelihood

Protestant church leadership for the past 25 years or so have preferred to teach building financial legacy as proof of building the kingdom of God; a deluded construct for loving the neighbor, where to trickle down on less fortunate with a benevolent donation instead of creating a moral business foundation that supports ethical best practices seems to have set the stage for an Eastern Orthodox oligarch infused strategy that has swapped humble church body membership for electric car hype and elitism erroneously driven by fraudulent IT hype.

The Darkness of Greedy Leadership

Something evil began to Trickle Down from leaders to the people, and I noticed a coldness was accompanying that “just in time” and “black belt efficiency” and “build your legacy” teaching from leadership. What each of those doctrines really say is devalue the parts of the value chain that are not producing what can be turned in to profit today. See it? Slowly money, not best practices, began to become the way, the truth and the light to modern leadership. The truth is people are the source of all knowledge.

This focus on money effectively strangles the golden goose, stops the watering and nurture of innovation, and has culminated in a flood of poverty inducing investment practices, enhanced by bad accounting practices, and threatens to drown our freedoms. A focus on money over people has birthed the shareholder value economy and created poverty. It certainly has spawned criminal turf wars.

We are under attack from US kleptocracy leadership, but don’t believe that segment of our leadership participating in crimes of grand collusion can remain hidden much longer.

The Future of the USA Depends On Ethical Leadership – YOU Taking Responsibility with Authority Granted By Your Consenting Governed Citizenship So, Freedom, Liberty, Justice… Is Up To US

CASHINIT.COM With Your Involvement, Will Lead The US Out of Harms Way – Write Your Own Bills – Start Your Own Business – Collaborate Using Project Development Tools – Get Started By Commenting – Help Build National Awareness – Thank YOU

Help Put An End To US And Global Kleptocracy Through Ethical Project Development For All Peoples Of The World

Using the vantage of political and commercial intelligence, Kleptocracy criminal leaders are also educated from our finest schools – reinforced by ancient evil methods and twisting laws to pervert justice they practice unfair taxation – or use of brute force – doctrines of tyrants: these men develop a taste of arrogance and privilege supported by crime, so hunt for public officials of weak character to buy in.

Warping themselves further by abusing military and intelligence operations, and finally by weaponizing media, IT systems management, and government systems they create monetary advantages for themselves. Kleptocracy is public enemy number 1.

Today, you became self governed, and 245 years ago, We The People of the USA were given a privileged title of citizenship called CONSENTING GOVERNED.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

For Further Information On Dave Campbell’s Ethical Based Projects To Scale Ethical Commerce Rapidly

For Further Information On Dave Campbell’s Ethical Based Projects To Scale Ethical Law Writing Rapidly

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