πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ DAVE ’24: Congress! Stop School Shootings! How to Expose & Imprison Collusion Networks from Oligarchs to Senators to Mercenaries to…

Former US & UK, et. al Intelligence, Special Forces Operatives and Public Servants Not Satisfied with the Honor of Serving their Nations, Now Criminals, have taken their skills Experienced from your US and UK Tax Dollars, and Recruit and Train Broken People to Shoot our Children at School? This is How School Shooting Operations Are …

Fitness Pavilions Workout: CASH Initiative Project

In 2023: Public Works Out Shift from Fraudulent ITIL Shareholder Value back to Building Public Trust The Aquarian Age declares Human Nurture as the core global common law… In 2023, societal fitness becomes a thing and society’s digital numeric fixation disorder called kleptocracy begins its inevitable and humiliating plummet into obsolescence. Summary: EV investors are …

Who’s Zoomin’ Who? Fools! The High Table is Public Trust! Using Tesla’s Name in Vain, Green EV Hyperbole Masterminds Expedite their Own Ends Leveraging Increasingly Valueless Digital Clout Against a True Standard of Public Trust Birthed in 1776 by an Angry Giant Named The United States of America, We The People, The Consenting Governed: Grand Colluding Imbeciles Got What? A Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy? Got Who? Musk? Gates? Bezos? Slave Traders Living off the GDP Economy on a Borrowed Dime? 2023 Game Over for Kleptocracy: USA Welcome CASHINIT.COM & US President Wanna be Next, Dave Campbell

You will remember my name. I’m the one who beat you at your game. Lyric from Aretha Franklin’s Who’s Zoomin Who? β„— 1985 Arista Records LLC Released on: 1985-07-09 We Built This City On Rock n Roll, American Soul and Public Trust: Not Oligarchs and Grand Collusion Until now, We the People did not realize …

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Dave ’24 Statement of Intent to Lead We the People of the United States of America

Ethical, Innovative and Profitable US Presidential Calibre Leadership for Commerce, Governance and Academia will Restore Gross Domestic Product Economy & Public Trust πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Dave ’24 Platform: To Restore Public Trust by 1 Investing In US GDP Economy 2 End Kleptocracy A Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy Driven By ITIL Management, SOX Act & Grand Collusion? US …

Election Day Nov 8 2022: Welcome to the Grand Collusion? Where Have all the Crimefighters Gone? USA Shareholder Value Economy = Damage; Gross Domestic Product = Public Trust; Ask Electable Candidates How they Plan To Build Public Trust and GDP, Or Rather, Ask Me and I’ll Run for US President in 2024

Crimefighter: The Honorable United States Senator Carl Levin, Democrat, Michigan, Deceased Grand Collusion Doesn’t Add Up; Let’s Do The Math: Mob Leadership + Government Contracting + SOX Act + IT Shareholder Value Economy + Domestic Terrorism = Diminishing GDP and Public Trust Senator Carl Levin did not know he would meet a Navy Recruiter with …

NOV 8th 2022 DO NOT VOTE FOR WRITE IN Dave Campbell; Misreads Election Instructions For Michigan Governor Bid

Never heard of me? Well, that’s worse than having a name as common as Joe Smith. Get to know me and if you have a heart for the USA, spend time on this website and you will see what you missed for Governor, and why you should get behind me now for US Presidential race …

The Business Case for Public Trust, Made in the USA, by a Late, Great General with a Battery in the Desert

So, General Norman Schwarzkopf honors my request for a photo during a troop tour and stoops by a truck, reaches for a battery, then looks up at me smiling? Not what I expected, but you don’t argue with Stormin’ Norman; I took the photo. 32 years have passed; just yesterday I realized why I met …

Write In Candidate Hopeful Dave Campbell Offers Strategic Vision and Ethical Projects Platform to Rebuild Public Trust and National Security for Michigan Governor’s Election November 8, 2022 and the US Presidency 2024

Challenge: To Rekindle Public Trust in the US Presidency and Win the Hearts of the People Grand collusion’s impact on the USA is eroding public trust. Public trust is the key to leveraging our consenting governed power and must be restored. Here are five keys to regaining the public trust. 1. Dave Campbell’s 28th Constitutional …

Schedule An Interview With Dave Campbell

Learn how Dave is crafting the resurgence of Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product Learn how Dave proves science & religion align leadership principles toward regenerative outcomes Learn how Dave is developing ethical projects through CASH Initiative into global enterprise About Dave Campbell Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.Resident of Grand Traverse County …

Dave Campbell Has National Security in Mind & Michigan’s Cash in Hand for Earning Electability 2022 & 2024

Michigan: USA’s Next Trillion Dollar GDP? Write In Hopeful Dave Campbell Says Likely Grand Collusion & Billionaire Shareholder Value Economy is Devaluing Both US Dollar & Public Trust As the J-6 investigations continue, the world is witnessing the detrimental outcomes of domestic financial terrorism. The first step in diagnosing a collapsing economy is to identify …