🇺🇸DAVE ’24’s Winning Strategy to KENNEDY ’24, RFK Jr. and the USA = Flexing Consenting Governed Authority! We the People, Baby!

Dave shows Bobby how We Win USA with a 28th Amendment that Powers Up Ethics and Expels Tyrants Current Tyrant Strategy and Tyrant Outcomes Corrupt Free Market Systems and Terrorize We the People. Available Right NOW, We the People Strategy and We the People Outcomes Build Free Markets Ethically, Peacefully and can Powerfully Restore Public …

How is 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Setting Precedent to be USA’s 47th Sitting President? What? Is America Finally Waking Up to Ask the Basic 5 W’s Now? Super; I’ll ask the big one: Did your Candidate Prioritize Shareholder Value Investment over their Oath to Defend Our Public Trust & Gross Domestic Product Economy?

Dave Campbell, Michigan, Restores Consenting Governed Authority, Rebukes the Criminal Digital Tyrant Economy and trumps the Republican Strategy for National Security: Proving DAVE ’24 is Doing the Work to Earn a Nomination Global Crime Fighter: The Honorable United States Senator Carl Levin, Democrat, Michigan, Deceased Regaining our Sense of Identity as Americans 247 years ago …

Dave Campbell, a 2024 US President Hopeful from Michigan, Leverages the Constitutional Authority of the Consenting Governed to Declare: Digital Tyranny Perpetrated by Yet to be Identified Financial Terrorists is an Act of War against We the People of the United States of America

“When Placed in Command, TAKE CHARGE” General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. We the People have been given a Consenting Governed Authority. Dave Campbell Says “TAKE AUTHORITY” of the USA with the 28th Amendment, a Powerful Reminder that We don’t Abide Tyrants. Let’s Get AUTHORITY in its Appropriate Place, We the People, the 1st Branch of Government …

CASH Initiative Projects: 🇺🇸DAVE’24 Presidential Platform Seeks Nomination to Defeat the Super Elite’s Digital Tyranny Platform. Since J-6 the “Masterminds” of Public Theft are Revealing a Criminal Platform Operated on Trillion Dollar Spending Bills, Domestic Terror and Systemic Fraud

As Lesser Architects of J-6 Emerge as Captured Pawns, the Strategic Bishops, Intelligence Rooks and Rapacious Knights are beginning to Emerge by Default as Pieces of more than a Quarter Century Old Game of Grand Collusion being played against the People of the USA; Now its Our Move Bishop takes Pawn William Barr and Donald …

CHOOSE: We the People or Digital Slave Trade

Is USA’s Public Trust Gross Domestic Product Economy being Looted by We… the Cowards? USA Is Looking more like a Banana Republic: Yet to be Identified US Leaders have Tricked US Citizens into Paying for our own Indentured Servitude while we turn a Blind Eye to Human Trafficking Investors and Consenting Governed alike Unwittingly Contribute …

Dave Campbell, MI: 4th of July, 2023 Speech Announces US Presidential Platform Part 2

Digital Tyrants Exposed. American Dream Restored. Design Build Projects Commence Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci Image Retrieved on June 15, 2023 from https://www.livescience.com/18183-leonardo-da-vinci-copy-famous-vitruvian-man.html USA God Smacks Digital Tyrants with Innovative and Timely 28th Amendment by Dave Campbell The best means of restoring public trust and the gross domestic product economy is for the people …

Dave Campbell, MI: 4th of July, 2023 Speech Announces US Presidential Platform Part 1

Secures US Dollar, GDP Economy, and Public Trust with 28th Amendment Authoritative Branch. Denounces ITIL Shareholder Value Economy, Criminal Billionaire Nobility with Four Tier Accountability Protects all Human Beings by Unmatched Vision and Mission: Regenerative Reality and Public Trust Digital Tyrants: Hyped Green Economy Fuels a Booming US Billionaire Nobility, Destroys Public Trust and Gross …

April Fools Day 2023: A Landmark Case and Presidential Race for the Public Trust Begins; The People vs. the United States Government

Dave Campbell’s CASH Initiative Lawsuit Projects, Bill Writing Projects and a Massive People Initiated Ethics Centric and Worker Owned Industrial Revolution is made available to the USA and the World. CASH Initiative projects are designed to secure the Public Trust and restore a vibrant Gross Domestic Product economy: and also designed to work toward the …

4 Questions & Michigan’s Dave Campbell (Who?) Rises to President of the United States of America

Ethical Precedents and Presidents Proven True are Honored by Brave and Free Americans How US/Transnational Kleptocracy gets Ousted? Republican Leaders Grope for Ethics Reform The United States of America has over 300 million people using smart phones. In a few days time, the stench of death will saturate American nostrils; we paid for the death …

Mothers Against Transnational Kleptocrats Project

This Project is Currently Under Development  To Understand More About Ethical Projects Designed and Built by consenting governed citizens and investors from all around the world click any of the following blog posts. If you have specific comments about ethical banking and financial investment, please leave comments as you may be inclined. Thank you. About …