In the Year of the Wood Dragon, David Campbell of Michigan, USA, Fires Up Global Leaders to Reestablish the Authority of We the People

A 28th Constitutional Amendment Would Revitalize the Identity of Consenting Governed Authority in the USA and the World, Inspiring the Ethical Wealth, Nurture and Freedom Due Every Human Being

Wood Dragon Art by Mike Schiano. Image Retrieved February 22, 2024 from

Rotten Cash and Old-Money and Suddenly Nobody Is Buying the Bull Shit, Not Even the Old Money

New billionaires and grandchildren of old money, have looted the USA and the World by Digital Tyranny. Like drug dealers struggling to hide tons of rotting cash in barges, commerce and government leaders can no longer hide their bulging digital readouts obtained by hyped subsidies and grand collusion.

The More Digits, the Less Value; the Only Thing Accruing for Criminal Leadership is Culpability for Destroying a Valid Gross Domestic Product Economy

Laundering ill-gotten wealth through the USA’s financial and banking system means executive leaders are the pawns of crime families and that any wealthy family is ultimately no longer above ill repute. SAFE AI legislation would have added another layer of no accountability but has stalled because it fails to meet the first criteria for any governing body; lacks common reference capability, meaning it actually makes no sense to anyone and makes the IT industry itself to stink as IT is being used to loot free markets.

Benevolent or Been Violent? In the Eye of the Wood Dragon: Billionaire Crime Families and Tech Icons Feel the Brewing Ire of 8 Billion Citizens Who Can Read and Reason Who Is Killing and Looting Them

The more the taxpayers realize just how much of their taxes have gone to facilitate the International Kleptocracy Network looting our governments, the more they will be demanding repayment. As well the self exposed Digital Tyrants will be seeking the refuge of an immediate and peaceful resolution.

Here Comes the Good News

David Campbell, me, the author of this blog, recognized the need for reinvigorating the GDP with Public Trust. I’ve crafted a massive worker owner movement enabling citizens to design build exciting and high profile companies that meet real world market demands. To stop the criminal activity, and demand a payback, I have drafted a 28th Amendment that promises to restore the consenting governed Authority of the People with a Constitutional amendment powerful enough to garner immediate global attention.

Ask Nicely and Ye Shall Receive

Why Do All 8 Billion People Suddenly Realize David Campbell Can Fix Our Global Leadership Debacle?

1. Recognition of Immediate Growth of Actual Value by Meeting High Demand for Free Market Needs

Commercial and government leaders must shift focus away from digital readouts that appear to be accruing as exponential personal wealth but in reality is based on false value that is support by hype destroying the global free market, to a focus on ethical investments that satisfy actual free market needs of citizens.

Prudent Suggestion to Criminal Intelligence Community and Worlds Wealthiest Families

Drop the fraudulent war economy and serve the people, there is way more money in ethical best practices than in looting value chains that provide you with the benefit of public trust. Get rich quick is for criminal imbeciles. Imperialism and tyranny has fallen out of vogue with 8 billion angry people.

2. Work Out the Only Solutions

Public trust at an all time low calls for the proper valuation of the consenting governed citizenship as being the truest and fastest method for accruing actual wealth by meeting free market needs. Address the Gross Domestic Product through engaging the people to meet the needs by starting worker owned companies immediately.

3. Built the Better Mousetraps: Advanced Impacts for Commerce, Government and Academia

Business models and three new corporations that facilitate accelerated start-up of thousands of worker owned businesses all developed with ethical best practices and provide a direct impact of building the tax base through pragmatic and honorable leadership. Projects are exciting and valid for investment in start ups that are designed by passionate people working with the people they themselves collaborated with.

4. Leveraged Available Election Campaign for POTUS

Opportunity to rise quickly as a national and global public figure as a candidate for POTUS #47; contributing a 28th Amendment that has the potential of commanding immediate global interest and adaptation because it addresses the need for Authority in a Consenting Governed Citizenry. That is key for reestablishment of public trust.

5. Developed an Identity as a Leader of Aquarian Age Humanitarianism vs. Imperialism

Sadly the only people who seem to be most oblivious to their leadership failure is the crime families that have been duped by the criminal intelligence community. None of the intelligence community had the foresight to realize that with every successful criminal outcome, they themselves would eventually draw the attention of the entire world upon themselves. Talk about an oh shit moment!

Are you a global leader or citizen who realizes we are all in big trouble under the current global leadership focus on digital value and not on meeting market needs? Please leave a comment, share this article and get behind me. I need staff and I need it now. Thanks for reading! Press Release, About the Author and comments below.


DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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