Dave Campbell’s State of the Union Address: USA is Being Sold to Tyrants by Traitors Using Subsidies and Digital Systems Fraud at the Expense of We the People; The Consenting Governed. The Problems and the Solutions:

Public Enemy #1, Transnational Kleptocracy, is Morphing from Self Identified Grand Colluding Old World Oligarchs, UK Imperialists and Silicon Valley Elitist Billionaires Into SAFE AI Legislation that Systemically Provides Algorithmic Immunity on the Way to Zero Accountability for Looting all People

Meet 🇺🇸DAVE’24 (Easily offended? No worries, I am directing my insults to Criminals)

Dave Campbell Global Leadership Challenge YouTube. (2024c, March 11). 🇺🇸dave’24 designed4dancin’ W/🔥thedevil🐉 Potus47 Onit. YouTube. https://youtube.com/shorts/Zng-VALq_ls?si=B88NznAbj-P5DWmb

Foreign & Domestic Spy Tactics (they succumb to money) buys Greedy Leaders

Rather than the honor of serving the people by upholding ethical best practices and ensuring a free market, many of our public officials are now aligned with what they believe to be a foolproof crime: a Closed Loop IT Shareholder Value market that feeds off our Public Trust driven Free Market Economy, by looting our taxes and continually forcing investment upgrades in IT Technology to maintain the “law”.

Systemic Digital Fraud Drives the IT Technology Markets Eliminating “Aberrant” Jobs and Subjugating US Corporations to Focus on IT and Finance, Thus Eliminating Investment in Public Need in Favor of an Illegal Closed Loop “Shareholder Value” that Creates Billionaires and Destroys Free Markets

Artificial (criminal) intelligence conceived this domestic financial terrorism duo by highly technical digital obfuscation orchestrated with UK ITIL and promulgated with the SOX Act. A perfect storm designed to subjugate the Consenting Governed GDP Economy and divide (weaken) the United States of America.

Drunk on Success with Systems Fraud, Soon to Be Identified US Leaders Work Tirelessly; Not to Provide Security to US Citizens and Improve Our Lives, but instead to Craft Closed Loop Markets Perpetuating IT, EV, War and Other Non-Public Need Markets that Feed off the Ethical GDP

Indifferent to the results of rising crime rate and wealth gap, elitist billionaires, punch drunk on their “legal” looting successes, apply criminal intelligence to deploy acts of domestic terror and “war” which is nothing more than induced genocide in order to control global markets as in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Using Hype, Criminal Leaders are Drawing Investment to Justify Subsidies and Avoid Attention using Misinformation and Acts of Domestic Terror, all to Fatten Personal Net Worth

US taxpayers and investors unwittingly drive this unchecked War Economy with taxation that DOES NOT Reflect OUR CONSENTING GOVERNED AUTHORITY nor respect our ETHICALLY REGULATED Gross Domestic Product and clearly fits into the category of taxation without representation.

Does Anyone Around Here Speak the Truth? I do, We the People are being LOOTED

Dave Campbell “The Speech” Realitythug♾♒️♾ the speech: Potus47 28th we the people messiah. YouTube. (2024c, April 7). https://youtu.be/3ZeRRtuWGYs

We Defeated a Tyrant 246 Years Ago. He’s Back and His Name is Kleptocracy: Digital Systems Fraud

Our national wealth, once the glory of our Public Trust, that Spirit of Pride in a Government of Freedom and Justice, by the People and for the People, is now being controlled by systemic digital tyranny. Tyrants are opposed to globally accepted Free Market Regulations and so seek to destroy the power of Public Trust that relies on Ethical Best Practices and Leadership by Honorable People.

Instead criminal leaders abuse our taxes to buy misinformation campaigns, kill children and displace entire families, cities and economies for personal control of markets and mines.

The State of the Union is Outrage and Humiliation Attributed to Criminals Posing as Leaders

Identification and Solution of the Problem

Oddly, in a race to conceal digital fraud, Senator Schumer’s proposing AI legislation has become the self identified whistle blower on digitized systemic Grand Collusion.

Here’s What my 28 Amendment and DAVE’24 POTUS 47 Strategy Offers the World: 1. SECURES PUBLIC TRUST 2. RESTORES ETHICAL GLOBAL GDP

Q: Dave, Why are You so Negative? A: Billionaire, Why are You so Stupid?

Image by Antonio Rodriguez Retrieved March 15, 2024 from“think different” | cartoon movement. (n.d.). https://cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/think-different-2

Where Public Trust is Denied: Terror, Marshal Law and War Follow

Billionaire thugs prevail where society is devoid ethical leadership. US Citizens who praise Putin’s “Landslide Election” and support his psychotic protege, Donald Trump, are either uninformed or tragically supporting tyranny in the USA. Criminal investments remain secure under criminal leadership.

GOP and DNC: Blatant Money Laundering for Billionaires, Posture “Political Positions”

I’m here to remind everyone, worldwide; we don’t use commercial and government leadership to support crime, we uphold a government by the people and for the people. Where the transnational kleptocracy is self deluded, is in the fact that without common references and free markets, there simply won’t be anything left for them to steal. Because the criminal mind is arrogant it postures defiance and force. What it lacks is intelligence.

Criminal intelligence is ultimately brazen stupidity. When you are stupid enough to incorporate a one stop shop for service for Oligarchs to mine, launder money and recreate public profiles? Just wow.

How to curb the knucklehead billionaires from destroying themselves and fix the global economy?

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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