Write In Candidate Hopeful Dave Campbell Offers Strategic Vision and Ethical Projects Platform to Rebuild Public Trust and National Security for Michigan Governor’s Election November 8, 2022 and the US Presidency 2024

Challenge: To Rekindle Public Trust in the US Presidency and Win the Hearts of the People

Grand collusion’s impact on the USA is eroding public trust. Public trust is the key to leveraging our consenting governed power and must be restored. Here are five keys to regaining the public trust.

The Seal Of The President Of The United States Of America
Image Retrieved 7 October 2022 from https://live.staticflickr.com/3588/5737423571_0a7accb35a_b.jpg

1. Dave Campbell’s 28th Constitutional Amendment Will Revitalize the Authority of the People

Lest we forget: The executive power of the United States Presidency is granted by the authority of We The People. Grand collusion is threatening national security and eroding public trust. A 28th Amendment to re-establish the authority of US citizenship will increase public trust.

We The People Becomes the 1st Branch of Government

  1. Authoritative Branch (We The People – the consenting governed)
  2. Executive Branch 
  3. Legislative Branch 
  4. Judicial Branch

Learn more about Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment Draft here:

Rationale: We The People Demand Representation

Public apathy toward government further emboldens criminal leaders to abuse taxation and devalue the American people. Arrogant elites who collude with criminals have no place in federal, state or local government service. The Authority of the United States government rests with the consenting governed.

Grand Collusion Demonstrates Blatant Disrespect & Damages Consenting Governed US Citizens

The share holder value economy has created a billionaire nobility whose investments steer government processes and corrupt our commercial best practices. When senior politicians use criminal intelligence to create bills that steal from the people to fatten the criminals, then the people are clearly devalued.

Oath of Office Traded for Access to Insider Trading Exposed: Follow the Money

Weak minded government officials who work alongside higher paid contractors begin to envy their lifestyles and thus expose themselves as prey to enemy operatives. US spending on IT systems for reporting exposes grand collusion directly relatable to the Sox Act, market fraud and oligarchs.

Hate Speech and Propaganda are Tactics of Kleptocracy Actors, not Honorable Political Leaders

How to distract a nation from trillion dollar heists? Years of divisive opinion work to steer sentiment away from true causes of economic downturn; hate speakers inspire weak minded people to devalue fellow citizens, leading to violent acts. The USA is damaged by tactical financial terrorism led by kleptocrats.

Exposing Grand Collusion Hidden Behind Public Sentiment is the First Requirement of Electability

Kleptocracy actors use criminal intelligence to project culpability away from themselves with tactical operations. Manipulating global markets requires timely distractions such as school shootings. Natural disasters also inspire ill-gotten gain. Kleptocracy ends with an Authoritative Branch of US government.

2. Revitalize US Economy with Honest GDP: Mechatronic Engines, Tug & Barge & Intermodal Freight

Michigan Manufactured Man Hole Cover East Jordan Iron Works Founded in 1883 Is Now EJ Group Inc.
Photo Credit East Jordan Manhole Covermedia by JC
Image Rerteived 8 October 2022 from https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?type=thumbnail_580x000&url=2Qo6C9_0fP1A8TY00
Tug & Barge Great Lakes Trader Shallow Draft Barge and Joyce L. Vankenkevort Hi Tower Tug
Image Retrieved 8, October 2022 from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/82/6d/03/826d038b862e0fe32463417f1e500470.jpg

We The People Reject Criminal Shareholder Value and Must Restore Customer First Commerce

Michigan Innovation Intermediary and Knowledge Exchange is designed to serve global markets by facilitating a global demand for high ticket manufacturing products that meet real market demands, not fraudulent quarterly reports for criminal shareholders. MII-KE improves society through increasing GDP.

First of Kind High Ticket Manufacturing Investment Projects

The retention of knowledge workers and our innovative approach delivers profitability; building value chains. We reject the 90% failure rate of corporate led innovation. Uninterested in golden parachutes, MII-KE executives prefer the honor of serving genuine needs of people through ethical processes.

Learn More About MII-KE here:

3. Motivate People To Create the Future with Massive Worker Owned Project Development Initiative

To enjoy our freedoms, Americans must rebuild our free market economy. Best practices that took years to hammer out and utilize to build the USA super power economy can only be perpetuated by free trade. Given opportunity for ethical work honest citizens work but will reject unethical or criminal practices.

Best remixes of Popular Songs πŸ”Š Music Mix 2022 🎡 EDM Best Music Mix 🎧. YouTube. (2022, March 25). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from https://youtu.be/Lomnl3Ri6aY 

CASH Initiative (cashinit.com) Showcases Ethical, Motivated Project Development Fit For The Stars

Originally introduced in 2005 as a recruiting concept to the US Navy, Community Action Secures Homeland (CASH) Initiative has become a must-know for political candidates who hope to disentangle from criminal shareholder value politics. CASH Initiative showcases scalable We The People projects.

Access to Design / Build Yourself Any Type of Corporation, Event or Training Imaginable

CASH Initiative is built on best practices, profitability and scalability for every conceivable type of business or regulatory development project. As CASH Initiative helps to rebuild GDP it will also work as a public oversight agent demanding transparency in our financial systems through Four-Tier Accounting.

Get On Your “I’m ’bout This” Attitude To Create People Oriented, Healthy and Vibrant Businesses

The most exciting thing about CASH Initiative is that users will have access to project development tools to attract a team, create strategy and manage the business. There are number of project concepts already available on the blog for review and comment.

Here is One Example of Dave Campbell’s CASH Initiative Project Concepts

4. Four-Tier Accounting Diminishes Criminal Share Holder Value & Increases GDP

It brings me absolute heartbreak to expose the dynamic existing between fragility and intellect in considering the foolishness of US shareholder value bent leadership. The J-6 is just beginning the exposure. Do you see what I see? This submarine cable map sadly illustrates the modern criminal mind.

Cables Accounting for 90% of Traffic Appear As Unprotected Bandwidth Straining To Hold Together a Broken “Mastermind
Digital Diplomacy in 2022: Issues, actors & tools. Diplo. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2022,
from https://www.diplomacy.edu/topics/digital-diplomacy/Β 

The Emperor Has No Clothes On as J-6 Exposes Criminal Kleptocracy AI is Naught et al.

As the curtain comes up and slams back down on the IT and AI hyped shareholder value economy fraud, US public trust is of highest concern. Global criminal leadership has only one choice and that is reboot a valid global economy. The Four-Tier Accounting project shifts public sentiment toward GDP.

My Dad used to say, “David, businessmen will step over a dollar to pick up a dime”. So I guess I come by it honestly when I say International kleptocracy leaders have exposed themselves and also dealt a grievous blow to the global intelligence communities. They colluded to step on and then destroy Ukrainian people, valuable human beings wasted, to dig up and sell a few computer chips. Not only have they destroyed those precious lives, but hundreds of millions of dollars in commercial interruption have pissed off the entire global community. And now the world sees the murdering criminal leaders for who they are. I have a peaceful and ethical solution to put kleptocracy leaders in prison before they do more damage.

David Campbell Founder of CASH Initiative and Write In US President Hopeful 2024

Electable Politicians Follow Suit On Dave Campbell’s Lead and Declare Kleptocracy Public Enemy #1

Leaders must cry foul on a shareholder value economy and convert back to an actual GDP producing economy based on meeting free market demands. Public trust at issue, politicians can not mention any trillion dollar scam but instead offer a scalable solution initiated and ethically managed by the people.

Learn More About Four-Tier Accounting Here:

5. People of All Nations Acknowledge New Global Common Law: Regeneration Model

Knowledge comes from human beings as a result of our ability to ascertain β€œtruth” in relation to acquiring resources. This premise marks the impetus for creation of law designed toward regenerative outcomes. If we honor knowledge, then we honor human nurture as primary to commerce, governance and academia.

The Truth Is; Truth Emerges

Learn More About Regeneration Model:

About The Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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