Part 5. …Story Tellers: Blood, Sweat, Final Frontiers and So Glad You’re Here. Let’s Keep Talking

Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross
Image Retrieved August 30, 2022 from

Enduring Life’s Toughest Storms, Clara Barton and Dolly Parton Turned Each Stripe Into Rainbows

I teared up several times writing part 5. The smokey whistle of the Dollywood Express and the clatter of train wheels rolling on rails reminds me of telling stories to my daughters. A photo of Clara Barton on their bedroom wall reminded each of them to model their lives after our iconic American leaders.

Dolly Parton Celebrating 33 years of Dollywood, Her Musical Theme Park Image Retrieved August 31, 2022 from
Dollywood Express at Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Video Captured in July, 2021 By David Campbell
Known As The Human Computer Katherine Johnson Worked 33 Years With NASA and NACA
Image Retrieved on August 31, 2022 from

A Real Life Human Computer, Katherine Johnson, Did What Was Necessary At NASA

Katherine Johnson is a testament of the superiority of the human mind. In the movie Hidden Figures, we learned about Katherine’s manual calculations for manned spacecraft missions. Fictional NASA pilot Joseph Cooper also underscores human superiority, outshining a super computer named TARS.

Self Generated Meme Of Movie Interstellar Pilot Played By Matthew McConaughey Speaking to Artificial Intelligence
Composed and Retrieved On August 31, 2022 from

Computers Can’t Govern Or Disobey: Wise Humans Self-Govern, Adapting Consenting Governance

Tenure and pay tend to develop into attitudes that favor personal benefit. Rank indeed has its privileges but insider information buys nobility. Shareholder value income bears no allegiance. Selling off value chains to increase profit is grand collusion; Kleptocracy’s hidden figures could expedite a failed state.

Criminal Negligence Or Knowingly Developing A Shareholder Value Economy Is Now Exposed

The value of Story Tellers to you as a creator, is in your opportunity to develop your passion project and skills with a growing global community ready to express themselves and tell their stories. To write about what you know; how you view the world. How your creative insights will impact our future is up to you.

Stephen Hawking’s Voice Urges Us All To Keep Talking

To honor the memory of Stephen Hawking, The Challenger Crew, and so many others in the service of telling stories, past present and future, I hope you will enjoy this song by Pink Floyd. Afterword, kindly leave a comment below to inspire the creative, and to remind us all that this world is in our hands.

Pink Floyd Cosmic Voyage – Keep Talking Featuring The Voice Of Stephen Hawking
Retrieved August 31, 2022 from

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

2 thoughts on “Part 5. …Story Tellers: Blood, Sweat, Final Frontiers and So Glad You’re Here. Let’s Keep Talking

  1. Lots of inspiring and influential people in this post. Interesting and intriguing. An eclectic and innovative way to make a point! Oh, and excellent song choice!

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Steve! You have inspired me to keep moving forward time and again. Greatly appreciate your powerful example of creativity, loyalty to family and endurance. A great teacher and helpful mentor to many.

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