The Annual Worldwide Horse Race: A CASH Initiative Project Concept By David Campbell

Riding A Mule Named Lord Fauntleroy, 16 Year Old Pierce Norton Won The 1976 Great American Horse Race Image Retrieved On August 30, 2022 from×536.jpg

The Longest Endurance Race In The History Of The World – Starts Here

The race will begin taking shape here on this blog. Experienced and/or passionate planners, riders and veterinarians can lend nay sayings and preferably constructive thoughts to help me design and build this race. Project developing an annual race will promote our fitness as a free people to self govern.

Mongol Derby Winner Barry Armitage
Citation: The toughest race in the world – (n.d.).
Retrieved August 30, 2022, from 

Largest Purse – Largest Payouts – Global Media Coverage, Sponsorship and Largest Viewership Ever

The race will begin and end in the United States. Segments of the race will take place on every rideable continent. Riders and race teams will travel to each designated segment and race for accumulated time representing their nation with a specified numbers of riders, breeds and horses required.

Lee, A. (2022, May 18). 11 best endurance horse breeds – all have competed at Tevis. Helpful Horse Hints.
Retrieved August 30, 2022, from 

Logistics For Teams, Veterinarians, Media and Support Including Off Road Vehicles and Equipment

Each segment of the course will be established with appropriate inputs from all project development and governing authority staff represented by each country. All event planning will be design / build in accordance with ethical best practices through the yet to be formed Worldwide Horse Race Committee.

Shahzada, Arabian Stallion For Which The Australian Endurance Race, Shahzada, Was Named
Image Retrieved On August 30, 2022 from

State of The Art Media Coverage Including Zeppelin, Drone, Helicopter, Vehicle and Head Mounted

100% coverage by drone for every horse and rider will ensure the visual experience remains majestic and intense. Riders, veterinarians and support teams will engage with producers for maximizing reality tv impact. Live broadcasts yet similar to The Amazing Race; audiences riveted and living vicariously.

Passela, A. (2021, June 19). Sheikh Hamdan wins endurance gold at World Equestrian Games. The National. Retrieved August 30, 2022, from 

Bragging Rights! Self Governed People Push The Limits Of Endurance to Showcase Vibrant Nations

A 16 year old boy won the 1976 Great American Horse Race. To this day, the bragging rights for the greatest horse in the United States belong to a mule named Lord Fauntleroy, and our greatest Horseman, Pierce Norton. Now let’s find out who of you have the pride and the stamina to represent your nation.

Comment Below to Help Design / Build The Worlds Greatest Endurance Horse Race Ever

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Seabiscuit vs. War Admiral – 1938 Match Race (Pimlico Special)

Seabiscuit vs. War Admiral – 1938 match race (pimlico special). YouTube. (2007, February 25). Retrieved August 30, 2022, from 

Citation: Giaimo, C. (2016, September 11). How a sturdy mule triumphed over 198 champion horses in the Great American Horse Race of 1976. Atlas Obscura. Retrieved August 30, 2022, from 

2 thoughts on “The Annual Worldwide Horse Race: A CASH Initiative Project Concept By David Campbell

  1. Fascinating and innovative concept. With enough buy in from business participants, spectators and riders this could truly be an amazing world wide event! Great idea!

    1. I’m excited about this. Great way to bring a diverse group of teams toward a common outcome – a horse race! Could potentially create thousands of supporting careers in many countries. My hope is to inspire a global focus on agriculture and raising livestock. Lending support to so many great organizations already involved this would give them a super huge global media affiliation opportunity. Getting more families involved in growing their own crops and raising their own animals. Getting the world fed and healthy. Thanks for comment, Steve, greatly appreciated.

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