Part 3. …Story Tellers

It Is Said, Your DNA: It is Written In Stardust

Jesus Writing In The Sand and Nimrod’s Tower of Babel Allegorically Depict The Human Thirst For Cosmic Authority
Photos Retrieved On August 18, 2022
and from

How You Gonna Act? As Above So Below

From ancient times, leaders have leveraged command of some resource to maintain iconic status. No different now in our media-crazed lives. Plus an audience, only for moments, deliver transcendent flight into heaven with Captain Marvel and captivate millions, imprinting identity and insatiable desire.

Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury,
Jude Law as Yon Rogg In Marvel Studios Captain Marvel 2019
Photo Retrieved On August 26, 2022 from

By Hollywood or Holy Water, Divinity Within is Humanity’s #1 Pre-occupation

Christ within one-plussed the previously heralded Emmanuel God With Us. Upon reducing the two greatest commands to one love your neighbor as yourself, Christ consciousness has since driven story tellers to create super humans; so power up, superpower is in you! You’re about to become a Story Teller.

Story Tellers Offers an Immersion Experience, So Dive In; Write Your Own DNA, Be a Super Hero

What is the point of retelling your own story to plus the next generation? You embody the divinity when you create history. Human beings have long mastered story telling, bringing divinity to earth; Isn’t it time we project develop our future among the stars, shaping the 5D multiverse into 3D reality?

Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides and Zendaya as Chani in Warner Brother’s Dune 2021
Photo Retrieved On August 26, 2022 from

Jacob’s Ladder Is What It Is: Double Helix Angels Steppin’ Up On Stardust

Angelic or Chemical Messengers or Both?
Images retrieved on August 26, 2022 from and from

Step Up To Identify With Your Inner Creator; Step Down and Wake Up The People To Stardom

So Dave, are you saying we are prisoners, bound to the earth through natural law and oppressed by the rule of criminals? Nah, we are a race that has already proven regenerative self expression is our global common law. We are free by exercising the virtue of self governance. Created to co-create by design.

Safecracker Decodes A Life Sentence and Resurrects Himself From the Dead

Driven by freewill, framed for a murder he was later pardoned for, Henri Charrière’s story of escape from a Penal Colony in French Guiana heralds divine encoding in humanity for freedom. Jesus’ writing in the sand deescalated a righteous mob from stoning a whore, but Papillon’s story resurrected a murderer.

French Guiana Devil’s Island Escapee and Author Henri Charrière
Papillon Movie Posters 1973 and 2017
Images Retrieved On August 18, 2022 from and×748.jpg

Coming Up In Story Tellers Part 4

Dave Campbell’s Eye Witness Account Of The Challenger “Disaster”

Christa McAuliffe And Crew Of Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Images Retrieved on August 16, 2022 From
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About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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