How is 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Setting Precedent to be USA’s 47th Sitting President? What? Is America Finally Waking Up to Ask the Basic 5 W’s Now? Super; I’ll ask the big one: Did your Candidate Prioritize Shareholder Value Investment over their Oath to Defend Our Public Trust & Gross Domestic Product Economy?

Dave Campbell, Michigan, Restores Consenting Governed Authority, Rebukes the Criminal Digital Tyrant Economy and trumps the Republican Strategy for National Security: Proving DAVE ’24 is Doing the Work to Earn a Nomination Global Crime Fighter: The Honorable United States Senator Carl Levin, Democrat, Michigan, Deceased Regaining our Sense of Identity as Americans 247 years ago … Continue reading How is 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Setting Precedent to be USA’s 47th Sitting President? What? Is America Finally Waking Up to Ask the Basic 5 W’s Now? Super; I’ll ask the big one: Did your Candidate Prioritize Shareholder Value Investment over their Oath to Defend Our Public Trust & Gross Domestic Product Economy?